The House GOP is teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, a hate group-backed bill filled to the brim with anti-asylum and anti-immigrant proposals — and Texas Republican Monica De La Cruz stands to be a deciding vote in whether or not this odious and unworkable legislation advances. De... Continue »
The House GOP is teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, a hate group-backed bill filled to the brim with anti-asylum and anti-immigrant proposals — and New York Republican Mike Lawler stands to be a deciding vote in whether or not this odious and unworkable legislation advances. In response... Continue »
The House GOP is teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, a hate group-backed bill filled to the brim with anti-asylum and anti-immigrant proposals — and Arizona Republican Juan Ciscomani stands to be a deciding vote in whether or not this odious and unworkable legislation advances. Ciscomani has touted... Continue »
The House GOP is teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, a hate group-backed bill filled to the brim with anti-asylum and anti-immigrant proposals — and California Republican David Valadao stands to be a deciding vote in whether or not this odious and unworkable legislation advances. Rep. Valadao has... Continue »
On May 11, Title 42, the pandemic public health restriction spearheaded bendy Stephen Miller will be lifted. In reality, the policy, which never had an actual public health justification, masqueraded as another terrible immigration policy from the Trump administration for the Biden administration to resolve.  As a result of... Continue »
Washington, DC – The Republican House majority is planning to vote this week on H.R. 2, the “Border Security Act of 2023.” The bill is not a serious policy proposal for addressing the challenges at the border. It’s all politics. And it’s all a politics that is far too... Continue »
Las tragedias ocurridas en Allen y Brownsville, Texas, fueron perpetradas por dos hispanos: uno, cuyas creencias supremacistas lo llevaron a matar a ocho personas con un rifle de asalto en un centro comercial; y el segundo, con largo historial criminal, que embistió con su vehículo —no se determina aún... Continue »
Muchas esperanzas se frustran en la travesía de los migrantes, incluyendo la Selva del Darién, diversos puntos del territorio mexicano o la frontera Estados Unidos-México, donde la situación se complica aceleradamente. Pero el ejemplo más reciente de lo dolorosa que es la vida del migrante es lo ocurrido en... Continue »
English The Boston Globe The specter of hate in Texas By Marcela García May 08, 2023 Time Why the U.S. May Be Days Away From a Border Crisis By Brian Bennett May 08, 2023 The New York Times What the End of a Pandemic-Era Health Order Will Mean for... Continue »
Communities across Texas are remembering the eight migrants who were horrifically killed after they were hit by a speeding driver in Brownsville on Sunday. The victims had been waiting at a bus stop outside a local shelter that serves migrants and unhoused people when they were hit by the... Continue »