Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Time: Trump Administration’s Deportation Raids Spark Fear in Immigrant Communities By Maya Rhodan Sinclair Broadcasting: More states line up behind Trump, pushing anti-sanctuary city legislation By Leandra Bernstein Free Speech Radio News: Immigrant rights advocates piece together details on recent sweeps... Continue »
In new analysis for the Washington Post, Greg Sargent connects the dots on the extreme Trump Administration agenda, predicting that the administration is testing  “just how far the administration can go in limiting legal immigration and in expelling undocumented immigrants with longtime ties to U.S. communities.” See the full version of... Continue »
Thousands of Latinos, immigrants, refugees and their allies marched the streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin yesterday in a “Day Without Latinos” action. Hundreds of businessowners closed their doors and many others skipped work to march in protest of the anti-immigrant policies of Donald Trump and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a... Continue »
A recording of today’s event is available here In recent days, multiple communities have been targeted with deportation raids and a new Trump Administration policy that treats all undocumented immigrants as priorities for deportation, regardless of their roots and ties to the United States. On a telephonic press call today, immigration advocates and... Continue »
According to the most recent information from the New York Times, ICE agents swept up as many as 600 undocumented immigrants in raids spanning at least 11 states. Reports indicate that some of these sweeps, which started last week, have been at restaurants, at homes, and at workplaces. Additionally, unsubstantiated... Continue »
Publicado en Univision. En medio de la batalla entre la administración de Donald J. Trump y los tribunales en torno a su veto migratorio a ciudadanos de siete países predominantemente musulmanes, se incrementaron reportes sobre la detención y deportación de indocumentados a través del país por el Servicio de... Continue »
Stephen Miller, exmiembro del equipo de Jeff Sessions y actual consejero de Trump, quien fue el principal autor de las acciones ejecutivas migratorias y del veto a musulmanes y refugiados, estuvo presente ayer en programas de debate dominicales. Su participación fue criticada severamente, The Washington Post le asignó un “montón de Pinochos”... Continue »
Stephen Miller, the former Jeff Sessions staffer and current Trump policy advisor who was the lead author of the immigration and Muslim/refugee ban executive orders, made the rounds on Sunday talk shows yesterday. His appearances were widely-panned, The Washington Post assigned “bushels of Pinocchios” for Miller’s falsehoods, and it was painfully clear that Miller... Continue »
Como telón de fondo del culebrón en que se ha tornado la batalla legal por el veto migratorio de Donald J. Trump a los ciudadanos de siete países mayormente musulmanes, está el drama con el potencial de afectar a millones a través del país, y no solo a indocumentados,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Post: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states By Lisa Rein, Abigail Hauslohner and Sandhya Somashekhar TIME: President Trump Said He Wants to Deport Criminals. This Arizona Woman’s Crime Was Getting a Job By Maya Rhodan... Continue »