While economic issues are of paramount importance to Latino voters, just like all Americans, the issue of immigration remains a defining, threshold issue for this fast-growing group of voters. The hardline immigration stances abounding in the Republican primary season are putting Latino voters further out of reach for... Continue »
After leaving Miami Dade College yesterday following his interview with Univision's Jorge Ramos, Romney went on to an event at the historical Freedom Tower where he spoke to Cuban-Americans about US-Cuba relations and his support for the Cuban community. Obviously, immigration was not discussed at this event. Continue »
Ambas campañas prometieron una lucha cuerpo a cuerpo y sin perder tiempo, los precandidatos a la nominación presidencial republicana, Newt Gingrich y Mitt Romney, se lanzaron dardos en su búsqueda del voto latino o más bien cubanoamericano de cara a las primarias republicanas del 31 de enero en Florida. Continue »
Given that Florida is over 22.5% Hispanic, it is not surprising that in anticipation of the Florida Primary next week the GOP primary frontrunners, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney took time to participate in a forum put together by the largest Spanish television network Univision and the U.S. Hispanic... Continue »
For a moment Wednesday afternoon in Miami, Mitt Romney seemed to have a solution to his Hispanic problem: Was he not, Univision's Jorge Ramos asked, Mexican-American himself, as his father had been born south of the border? Continue »
The leading Republican candidates spent Wednesday appealing for the votes of South Florida's Hispanic voters, with the campaigns of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich skirmishing over an advertisement that branded Mr. Romney as anti-immigration. Continue »
CNN en Espanol is joining the list of Spanish-language networks to co-host debates and forums with the GOP presidential candidates. On Thursday, CNN en Espanol's top anchor Juan Carlos Lopez will moderate questions from a panel in Miami during the CNN debate in Jacksonville. Continue »
Reform Immigration for America is protesting East Haven Mayor Joseph Maturo Jr.'s "taco" comments by offering to send the mayor tacos. The organization is asking people to text TACO to 69866 and they will send a taco to the mayor on behalf of the texter. Tacos are being sent... Continue »
The Texas law allowing some illegal immigrants to pay in-state college tuition rates, a flashpoint issue that helped doom Republican Gov. Rick Perry's campaign for president, is set to be tweaked Thursday to remind students they promised to seek legal status. Continue »
Since Monday night's GOP primary debate in Tampa, Florida, the blogosphere has been buzzing over two words that Mitt Romney said in regards to immigration: "self deportation." Continue »