The "Model Sheriff" for Arizona's SB 1070, Joe Arpaio, has a record of failed crime fighting tactics, civil rights abuses and creating terror in the communities he's supposed to protect. Today, we here at America's Voice Education Fund released a new report detailing the long, disturbing and ineffective record of... Continue »
Today America's Voice Education Fund released a new report detailing the long, disturbing and ineffective record of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County in Arizona. Self-promoted as "America's Toughest Sheriff" and widely feared by Latino immigrants for his harsh tactics, the report suggests that Sheriff Joe is better... Continue »
Sin una solución federal, el debate migratorio se sale de control Washington, DC – Un nuevo sondeo que demuestra que los votantes latinos se sienten asediados y la noticia de una lista de presuntos indocumentados entregada por fuentes anónimas a autoridades y medios de comunicación en Utah, son evidencia... Continue »
Tanto jugadores como fanáticos del pasatiempo nacional son confrontados con lo que la ley puede suponer para sus equipos y sus comunidades Washington, DC – Mientras la Liga de Béisbol de las Mayores celebra esta noche su tradicional Juego de las Estrellas en Anaheim, California, varios jugadores se han... Continue »
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's immigrant-hunting tactics have resulted in higher crime rates, thousands of lawsuits, millions of dollars in unnecessary expenses and a reversal of the community-policing strategies that have proved successful to police across the nation. But new Arizona law SB 1070 would force every police officer in the... Continue »
What does Arizona law SB 1070 have to do with the lettuce crop in Yuma? At first glance, not a lot. But when the harvest season for lettuce and other vegetables comes around in November, that could change. If SB 1070 is implemented, many farmworkers without legal immigration status—or with... Continue »
16/07/10 a 8:01am por Maribel Hastings By Maribel Hastings — What does Arizona law SB 1070 have to do with the lettuce crop in Yuma? At first glance, not a lot. But when the harvest season for lettuce and other vegetables comes around in November, that could change. If... Continue »
Today, a federal judge in Arizona will hear a case brought by a Tucson police officer who is seeking to block implementation of Arizona's controversial new anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, which would force police statewide to adopt the law enforcement approach of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ.... Continue »
New polling of Latino voters under siege, along with news of a "hit list" with the names of Latinos, accused of being undocumented by anonymous anti-immigrant sources in Utah, show that the immigration debate continues to spiral in a dangerous direction and the federal government must intervene. Said Frank... Continue »
At a time in which the Arizona GOP has made it acceptable for American citizens to go on witch-hunts for undocumented immigrants (i.e. suing police if they don't profile people based on shoes, accents, and skin color), comes this highly disturbing story out of Utah. The New York... Continue »