"There is no greater case in recent memory that so accurately demonstrates the absurdity and injustice of our broken immigration system than the case of Walter Lara, a youth who's family traveled to the United States when he was just three years old. Walter earned a 4.7 GPA in... Continue »
01/07/09 a 10:49am   Washington, DC – La llegada del nuevo senador de Minnesota, Al Franken, al Senado federal, le otrorga a los demócratas la mayoría de 60 votos que puede frenar maniobras legislativas dilatorias. El martes, el titular republicano, Norm Coleman, aceptó su derrota tras un fallo de... Continue »
A recent survey from Benenson Strategy Group shows strong support for comprehensive immigration reform across the spectrum, including Republican voters. This is a clear case where the conventional wisdom about the politics of immigration is dead wrong. Read on for a snapshot of where Republican voters are... Continue »
Yesterday, the Minnesota Supreme Court ended an 8 month legal dispute over who would represent the state of Minnesota in the United States Senate. Incumbent Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) conceded defeat to Democrat Al Franken, giving Democrats in the Senate a filibuster-proof 60 seat majority in the chamber.... Continue »
Yesterday we were happy to note that the Minnesota Supreme Court ended an 8-month epic legal dispute to determine who would represent the great state of Minnesota in the United States Senate. We were even happier to note that the newest member of the Senate and the Senate... Continue »