When Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said in a November debate that undocumented immigrants who have deep roots in the United States should have a chance to legally work in the United States, some jaws dropped. Continue »
Iowa business, community, faith and law enforcement leaders today warned that "enforcement-only" approaches to immigration could hurt the state and national economies, especially agriculture. "Welcoming immigrants is crucial for our economy in Iowa," said Tom Hughes, president of the Iowa Nursery and Landscape Association. Continue »
Just three weeks before Iowa Republicans hold their presidential caucus, opponents of tough, state-led enforcement-only immigration laws launched The Iowa Compact on Tuesday in an attempt to dial down harsh rhetoric and focus on compassionate and comprehensive reform. Continue »
Alabama's immigration law has led to illegal immigrants around the state having their basic rights denied and should be repealed, a human rights group contends in a report being issued today. "The initial human impact has been devastating, though the full consequences remain unknown," stated the report, "No Way... Continue »
Next year, the Supreme Court will consider a challenge to the noxious immigration law passed in Arizona in 2010. The justices are expected to consider whether states may adopt laws that take the lead on immigration enforcement. Continue »
For years, anti-immigrant activists have scared Republican officials into thinking that GOP voters are rabidly anti-immigrant and oppose any candidate who supports common sense reform. The recent ascent of Newt Gingrich, who has weathered attacks from enforcement-only candidate Mitt Romney over his immigration position, demonstrates conclusively that this line... Continue »
The Supreme Court yesterday decided to review the federal government's challenge to Arizona's restrictive immigration law, SB 1070. Continue »
By consistently strong majorities, Americans support comprehensive immigration reform. In 2009 as in previous years, voters want the President and Congress to advance a solution that legalizes the undocumented workforce, requires them to pay taxes, levels the playing field for workers and employers, and restores the rule of... Continue »
Late-night show host and satirist Stephen Colbert took on the anti-immigrant crowd again last night, when he devoted a segment to the recent American Heritage Dictionary / "anchor baby" controversy. Continue »
In the space of a month, the Supreme Court has thrust itself into the center of American political life, agreeing to hear three major cases that could help determine which party controls the House of Representatives and whether President Obama wins a second term. Continue »