In an effort to ensure their citizens are treated fairly in Alabama, 16 nations, including Mexico, filed briefs against the state's controversial new immigration law that has already drawn fire from the U.S. Department of Justice. Continue »
Farmers across the country are rallying to fight a Republican-sponsored bill that would force them and all other employers to verify the legal immigration status of their workers, a move some say could imperil not only future harvests but also the agricultural community's traditional support for conservative candidates.... Continue »
Georgia is surely becoming a state that has food, but no immigrants to cook it, and is abundant in fruit, but has nobody to pick it. How extreme do things need to get before lawmakers open their eyes to the damage the state's new anti-immigration law, House Bill 87,... Continue »
Bloomberg reports that a "first-of-its-kind Immigration Enforcement Review Board" is being established in this peachy, anti-immigrant state. It's described by some as a "a mini-McCarthy panel." Continue »
California Republicans are pushing a bill that would require employers to electronically verify the immigration status of potential hires, despite warnings from farmers that it will devastate their work force.The Legal Workforce Act is aimed at using a system known as E-Verify to prevent undocumented immigrants from taking jobs... Continue »
Rep. Elton Gallegly, whose ultimate goal is the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and his former colleague, JD Watts, continue their misleading cheerleading for E-Verify. They've got similar talking points, but both failed to mention the rotting fields in Georgia, thanks to a state E-Verify law. Continue »
As it turns out, undocumented workers aren't really big fans of being targeted while they're doing their job, and farmers aren't so keen on having their workers picked on either. As a result of anti-immigrant legislators passing legislation that scares off undocumented workers, farmers are suffering, and a multi-billion... Continue »
When I was in college, my roommate from New York City - aware that I had grown up in the farmlands of Central California - asked me a simple question: "What time of year do workers pick the raisins?" After I stopped laughing, I had to explain to... Continue »
A year ago, immigrant labor activist Salvador Reza thought Arizona's tough state immigration crackdown could empty the work site he ran in north Phoenix. But 12 months on, after a federal judge blocked key parts of the law, day laborers still line up from dawn to tout for... Continue »
Last week, New America Media asked an important question about an industry directly impacted by immigration: Slow Flow of Immigrants Already Impacting California Farms? Some say yes. Others, not yet. But if Lamar Smith's E-Verify bill passes nationally, there will be a worker shortage -- and crops rotting in... Continue »