Jan 4, 2010
Lou Dobbs is making a new promise: He will be back talking his red-meat issues in public very soon. In a letter just received, he says: "I will be in the public arena and engaged." His areas of interest: "Illegal immigration, international trade, job creation, and economic growth."
Dec 4, 2009
How's this for irony: the extremist group behind the drive to recruit Lou Dobbs into a presidential run has yanked support for their one-time champion.
While bloggers debated whether Dobbs was too mean to be President, it came out that he was no longer mean enough for the extreme base...
Yesterday the New York Times reported that Dobbs was in conversation with CNBC, and many of us asked the question, "Is CNBC ready for Dobbs?" Looks like the answer is a resounding, "no gracias." Network executives didn't give us much time to put pressure on them, announcing by the...
Dec 1, 2009
Media Matters asks the question today, "Is CNBC prepared to invest in Dobbs and his record of conspiracy theories and inflammatory rhetoric?" They cite recent reports that CNBC is in conversation with the ousted anchor: "A December 1 New York Times blog post reported that Lou Dobbs "has held...
Nov 23, 2009
It's time to share the good news: Lou Dobbs is one less turkey on TV this Thanksgiving. That's one big step toward bringing our country together to debate real solutions on immigration. We've created a fun Thanksgiving e-card you can share with your family and friends, so take a...
Newsflash: Forget all that controversy surrounding CNN's Latinos in America series earlier this fall (CNN came under heavy fire for keeping incendiary host Lou Dobbs as a mainstream news anchor while trying to reach out to Latino audiences). Apparently, Lou Dobbs should now be known as Latinos' "great friend,"...
Nov 19, 2009
So Lou Dobbs was paid $8 million to leave CNN after the network came under increasing fire for giving Lou Dobbs a primetime slot to incessantly trash immigrants and Latinos. Kudos for CNN for finally doing the right thing. We've rounded up some of the funniest reactions to a...
Via Huffington Post (This last line is priceless-- watch it): ""Saturday Night Live" went after Lou Dobbs this week, claiming he retired from CNN because he thinks the "C" stands for the Spanish word "si." Dobbs, played by Darrell Hammond, went on to refer to his replacement, John King,...
As I watched the sad eyes of Lou Dobbs last night while he bade an abrupt farewell to his long career at CNN, I shed the tears that he apparently couldn't.
Nov 12, 2009
Last night, Lou Dobbs aired his final broadcast on CNN. So tonight, when viewers tune in to CNN primetime, the hate TV will be gone. According to the New York Times, CNN President Jonathan Klein said: "Lou Dobbs will carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere." Help us...