Federal inaction on comprehensive immigration reform has forced the issue on state and local leaders, but Arizona-style approaches are not the solution, a group of mayors was told Wednesday. Continue »
The Rev. Jesse Jackson says people should fight South Carolina's new laws on voter identification and Immigration. Jackson told a crowd of about 400 people at the International Longshoreman's Association Hall in Charleston on Monday night that the Republican-led legislation harkens back to the old South's racist past. Continue »
Democratic lawmakers in Arizona plan to file a bill that would repeal the state's controversial immigration law. The Arizona Republic reports that this week Democratic state Sen. Steve Gallardo, of Phoenix, plans to file the measure, which would mark the first legislative attempt in Arizona to do away with... Continue »
A federal bill that would open a path to citizenship for more than a million undocumented students failed more than a year ago, but the Metro Nashville School Board passed a resolution supporting it Tuesday. Continue »
Missouri could be the next battleground in a nationwide fight over tougher immigration laws. State Sen. Will Kraus, a Lee's Summit Republican, is sponsoring a bill that would mandate that all public schools verify the immigration status of enrollees. Continue »
The effort to repeal the California DREAM Act through an initiative failed to gather enough signatures to place the measure on the ballot. The deadline was last Friday. And, the leader of that effort, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R), was arrested for trying to carry a loaded handgun on to... Continue »
Legislation in Tennessee which would amend the state's anti-bullying law to exempt bullying for political reasons just as long as the victim's person or property aren't damaged. It is being denounced for aiming to give a green light to the harassment of gay kids in school, which it... Continue »
A Hispanic advocacy group from northwestern Indiana has launched a second legal challenge to the immigration law approved by the General Assembly this year. East Chicago-based Union Benefica Mexicana filed the lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Hammond, claiming portions of the law are unconstitutional. Continue »
State legislators looking to crack down on illegal immigration in 2012 are turning away from the law enforcement laws that dominated state houses this year, and instead are pushing other measures that can make life just as difficult for illegal immigrants. Continue »
Congress failed to enact any meaningful immigration legislation this year, leaving in place a woefully flawed system. Sure, it's a vexing issue. But ignoring the problem only makes matters worse. Here are five troubling trends. Continue »