Yesterday, the state of Alabama filed a motion asking the full 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear arguments about the state’s worst-in-the-nation anti-immigration law. The Alabama law, HB 56, made international news for targeting schoolchildren in an overzealous attempt to make their undocumented parents self-deport. Alabama’s appeal comes...
Immigration reform activists and supporters from all over Alabama converged on the state Capitol in Montgomery to protest the passage of HB 658 over the weekend, rallying together in a mega-march led by the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice. HB 658 became law last week when Alabama Governor Robert...
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley pulled a complete reversal on HB 658 last weekend, caving in and signing a bill that makes the state’s already harsh anti-immigrant policies even worse–after he had initially expressed reservations and a wish to see the bill revised. Since then, leading editorial writers in Alabama...
Leading editorial writers in Alabama and across the nation are unsparing in their criticism of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) for abdicating leadership and signing legislation that makes the state’s disastrous “show me your papers” immigration law even worse. Alabama’s largest paper The Birmingham News editorializes, “For a few...
Senator Scott Beason — the guy who once said that we should “empty the clip, and do what has to be done ”; referred to people at a casino in a predominately black county as “aborigines”; and author of the worst anti-immigrant law in the country, H.B....
BREAKING: Governor Bentley has refused to sign the new legislation, HB 658, saying that he has proposed amendments and that immigration will be addressed in a special legislative session. More details soon. ___________________________________ Ignoring the fierce criticism, reminders of the state’s long ugly history of racism and the economic consequences...