Tired of his divisiveness, Americans want to come together to solve big challenges In the face of Trump’s focus on urban unrest in hopes of deflecting from his epic failures on the pandemic, the economy and racial injustice, new polls show that the lead Biden and Democrats have built...

New engineering report finds border wall will fail, a reminder that it epitomizes Trump’s presidency We have long characterized President Trump’s border wall obsession as the perfect encapsulation of his presidency – failing, corrupt, narcissistic, offensive, and unpopular. The recent charges against Steve Bannon and other leaders of the...

Sep 1, 2020
Leading voices condemn Trump’s effort to encourage violence in desperate attempt to hold onto power A weak, failing, threatened and scared President Trump is openly encouraging violence in a desperate attempt to scare voters and hold onto power. Leading observers are capturing the dangerous moment facing our democracy: Dana...

Strategic racism didn’t work in 2018. Let’s make sure it doesn’t work in 2020. The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director at America’s Voice, taking stock of the latest political state of play: Much to the distress of Trump and the GOP, a powerful multiracial...

The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director at America’s Voice following the conclusion of the Republican National Convention: Whew. We’re sure glad that’s over. Let’s leave all that in the rear view mirror. It’s time to double down on the work ahead to consolidate the majority...

The former DHS Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention, Elizabeth Neumann, had this to say about the connection between Trump’s racist rhetoric and the permission it gives to his more rabid followers: “Things like ‘there are good people on both sides,’ or ‘send them back to where they...

Continues Drive to End Popular Program and Put Dreamers on a Path to Deportation On Day One of its convention, the Republican Party portrayed itself as the “law and order” party. But as we have learned the hard way, it’s critical to watch what they do and not what...

In a new analysis posted at Medium in advance of the Republican convention, Frank Sharry predicts: “This convention is going to be a tribute to Trump and the GOP’s embrace of white identity politics. It’s gonna be ugly.” Clearly, Trump and his enablers believe racism and xenophobia works. Stephen...

Mary Trump: “…the separating of children from their parents; the torture, the kidnapping, and the incarceration of them in cages, was unthinkable, unbearable” One of the most morally abhorrent chapters in American history is the Trump administration’s policy to rip kids from their parents in hopes that the...

The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, in response to Steve Bannon and leaders of the ‘We Build the Wall’ fundraising campaign being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors in a multi-state criminal conspiracy. This is a story that captures the...