U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan, a Laurens Republican, is raising some eyebrows after likening illegal immigrants to animals and vagrants during a talk Monday to Furman University students. During a student event at the Greenville university, Duncan was answering a question about the complexity of political issues and used illegal... Continue »
Some posters wonder why we keep writing about the state's malicious immigration law. They want to know why I believe it targets a certain group of people (brown), when the law itself claims it doesn't. Continue »
We've been reporting on the unwelcome national and global attention Alabama is receiving for its immigration law, HB 56. Now it's time to get indignant about the maltreatment Alabama's immigrant community is suffering under the law, and the insensitivity they're being shown by those who have convinced themselves the... Continue »
Justice Department officials pressed their campaign against an immigration law in South Carolina on Monday, saying the measure passed there this summer unconstitutionally pre-empts federal authority. Continue »
Health officials fear Alabama's tough new law against illegal immigration could increase the risk of illnesses across the state because many Hispanic immigrants worried about arrest and deportation already have stopped seeking medical care at government clinics. Continue »
Groups opposing Arizona's immigration enforcement law have asked a federal judge to put a stop to a section of the statute that bans the blocking of traffic when people seek or offer day-labor services on streets. Continue »
Between Herman Cain calling for an "electrified fence" to keep out "illegals," and Michele Bachmann saying she'll do nothing to help the children of undocumented immigrants -- all while Alabama (and now South Carolina) are trying to scare immigrants back to Mexico – famous Hollywood director, Chris Weitz, decided... Continue »
Alabama's "papers, please" immigration law is the epitome of a self-inflicted wound, bringing severe pain to the state's agriculture industry and driving away potential tourism dollars. Yet perhaps the most incalculable damage of the Alabama law has been to the state's reputation. Continue »
Alabama's "papers, please" immigration law is the epitome of a self-inflicted wound, bringing severe pain to the state's agriculture industry and driving away potential tourism dollars. Yet perhaps the most incalculable damage of the Alabama law has been to the state's reputation. Unfortunately, the state that grew... Continue »
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress that her department will not be helping Alabama enforce its new immigration law. Which makes a lot of sense considering 1) the Department of Justice is in court trying to overturn the law and 2) the federal government has been a... Continue »