Only about 3.5 percent of Alabama's population is foreign-born, according to the Census Bureau. Undocumented immigrants made up roughly 4.2 percent of its work force in 2010, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Continue »
After a disappointing verdict that left some of the worst provisions of Alabama's immigration law HB 56 in effect, the federal government is finding itself ever more deeply entangled in a complicated legal thicket as it tries to figure out how to keep the list of states with their... Continue »
Right in time for Halloween, Alabama has introduced an immigration monster that is literally scaring brown people from their homes while inflicting serious damage on the state's economy, leaving crops to rot in the fields. Continue »
Hispanic students have started pulling out of Alabama public schools in the wake of a court ruling that upheld the state's tough new law cracking down on illegal immigration. Education officials say scores of immigrant families withdrew their children from classes or kept them home last week, afraid... Continue »
Alabama lawmakers are facing pressure from agriculture and business groups to change the state's tough new immigration law that a judge allowed to take effect last week. Crops are rotting in the fields because farmers can't find enough workers to harvest them. Continue »
Very powerful post from Nick Valencia, a producer at CNN about his first-hand experience with anti-Latino racism recently in Atlanta. Nick is a third generation Mexican-American, who was recently told to "Go home" by a woman in Atlanta. Continue »
One of the most egregious sections of the Alabama's horrific immigration law turns schools into immigration enforcement authorities. That's already having an impact on school kids. Continue »
Yesterday, a Federal District Court Judge in Alabama delivered a decision that will have an immediate negative impact on immigrants and Latinos in that state. Judge Blackburn upheld some of the most egregious sections of Alabama's punitive and discriminatory. Continue »
Major news from Alabama today. Federal District Court Judge Sharon Blackburn upheld several sections of Alabama's worst-in-the-nation immigration law today Continue »
While House Republican leaders try to figure out the timing for when they should drop a floor vote on a flawed mandatory E-Verify bill, America's Voice Education Fund and Service Employees International Union launched a five-figure Spanish-language media campaign to educate constituents about the legislation, which we often refer... Continue »