A siete meses de las elecciones generales, la inmigración sigue surgiendo como la papa caliente que ha solido pasarse de mano en mano entre los que dicen estar haciendo algo para solucionarlo y los que critican pero tampoco hacen nada. En el típico viraje que suelen dar los candidatos... Continue »
Today, we’re launching the first in what will be a regular series of posts from the DREAMers of the Campaign for an American DREAM.  Last month, they set off from San Francisco to begin a 3,000-mile, 8-month+ walk to Washington, DC to call attention to the DREAM Act and... Continue »
Sen. Marco Rubio's recent proposal to offer a "conservative-Republican alternative" to the DREAM Act continues to draw criticism from media outlets that say it could result in "a half-measure that produces only a different sort of legal limbo" for immigrants. Continue »
Writing at Huffington Post, Rep. Luis Gutierrez lets loose on Republican Senators, including Marco Rubio, for their craven attempt to score cheap political points at the expense of the DREAMers. Gutierrez blasts what he calls the "Stolen Dreams" Act. Continue »
Writing at Huffington Post, Rep. Luis Gutierrez lets loose on Republican Senators, including Marco Rubio, for their craven attempt to score cheap political points at the expense of the DREAMers. Gutierrez blasts what he calls the "Stolen Dreams" Act. Continue »
In an interview with Juan Williams on Sunday, Florida Senator Marco Rubio explained that he doesn't support The DREAM Act --- a measure supported by 90% of U.S. Latinos -- because it would encourage "chain migration" and illegal immigration. Continue »