Despite entrenched opposition in Congress to immigration reform, President Obama in the State of the Union speech asked both chambers to resurrect the Dream Act, a bill that would create a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants who are college students and military service members. Continue »
As I watched the Republican debates last night, I was taken by surprise when Mitt "I will veto the DREAM Act" Romney all of a sudden decided to sing to a "different" (perhaps more alarming) tune on the whole issue Continue »
Last night's Republican debate in Tampa, FL confirmed the fact that Mitt Romney is championing a radical anti-immigrant agenda aimed at expelling 11 million undocumented immigrants – a population the size of the state of Ohio – from the United States. Continue »
Mitt Romney's promise to veto a measure that would create a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants threatens to turn off some Hispanic voters, whose support could be critical in a general election match-up against President Barack Obama. Continue »
Newt Gingrich on Friday backed at least a portion of the Dream Act, saying that he would grant a path to citizenship to illegal immigrant youths who agree to sign up and serve in the U.S. military. Continue »
Students from several area colleges and universities will announce plans today to hold a week of events protesting Alabama's tough new immigration law. The events will run from Jan. 30 through Feb. 3 and should involve students from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Samford University, Birmingham-Southern College, the... Continue »
Mitt Romney faced a trying moment outside a fundraiser on Tuesday when an illegal immigrant demanded to know why he wouldn't support the DREAM Act. Romney has made no secret of his opposition to the legislation, which provides a path to citizenship for children brought into the country illegally. Continue »
Mitt Romney has made immigrant bashing a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. Vetoing the DREAM Act a key element of Romney's strategy. Last night, while fundraising in New York, Mitt Romney was met by a protest from DREAMers. Romney has called the DREAM Act a "handout" and Last... Continue »
Mitt Romney, the current frontrunner in the GOP presidential race, could become the first Hispanic president of the U.S. Surprised? Don't be. By now most people know it: Romney is the son of a Mexican father who crossed the border to the north when he was five. Continue »
Last night, at the GOP Presidential debate from South Carolina, Mitt Romney reiterated his opposition to the DREAM Act, calling it a "mistake." And, Romney also renewed his vow to veto the legislation. He also spoke about a lot about opportunity. What Mitt doesn't get -- or doesn't... Continue »