Washington, DC – AVEF’s digital campaigns manager and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient, Juan Escalante, was featured on a special edition of “Aquí y Ahora” last night on Univision along with Dreamers Lorena Jofre, Justino Mora, Piero Caceres, Bruno Villegas, and Laura Veira. Since Trump decided to end DACA, Juan has been active in... Continue »
Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s October 3, 2017 hearing on the Administration’s decision to end DACA.   The President’s decision to end DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, plunged 800,000 young Americans into crisis.... Continue »
DHS should extend October 5th DACA renewal deadline affecting more than 150,000 DACA recipients; Congress should act on Dream Act Washington, DC – Yesterday, at a hearing in a Brooklyn federal court, Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis expressed his frustration with the Trump Administration’s continued support for its arbitraryOctober 5th DACA renewal deadline, which affects... Continue »
Washington, DC – President Trump’s cruel decision to end the popular and successful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has thrown the lives and futures of nearly 800,000 DACA recipients into chaos and uncertainty. While most observers are paying attention to the announced six month deadline of March 5,... Continue »
Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, reacting to reported details of new Dreamer legislation from Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and James Lankford (R-OK) that is set for introduction later today. “Dreamers are young Americans, and the American people want... Continue »
A recording of today’s event is available here. Columbus, OH – On a press call today, Columbus, OH Councilmember Elizabeth Brown joined local DACA recipients, as well as local business and education leaders to discuss why a legislative solution for Dreamers is so urgent for Ohio and America. A recording... Continue »
Washington, DC – Americans want Congress to pass legislation that puts Dreamers on a path to citizenship. Polling shows that even 70% of Republican voters support a legislative solution. Passing the Dream Act is fully mainstream. This is evidenced not only by the polling, but by the impressive numbers of American... Continue »
Washington, DC – Across the country, state and local governments are standing up to the Trump Administration’s hardline immigration policies and are charting an alternate pro-immigrant and pro-public safety policy direction.  Meanwhile, the courts are providing a backstop to some of Trump’s overreaches. Below, we highlight several of these... Continue »
PolitiFact deems Paxton’s claim that DACA confers citizenship status as “ridiculous” Austin, TX – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been at the forefront against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and has continually made the false claim that by enacting DACA, President Obama was conferring citizenship for... Continue »
A recording of today’s call is available here.  Washington, DC – DACA recipients, legal and policy experts, and immigration advocates assessed a busy week of developments in immigration policy and issued a renewed call for a clean Dream Act without militarization of our borders. A recording of today’s call is available here.... Continue »