House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to push for a vote during the lame-duck session on a bill that would legalize young, undocumented immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military, according to Democratic sources familiar with a leadership conference call Wednesday. Continue »
A majority of voters support comprehensive immigration reform that includes legalization measures as well as border security, according to a poll released today. Continue »
About 30 protesters chanted "don't hate, educate" outside the state Board of Regents on Wednesday to oppose the regents banning illegal immigrants from some colleges. Continue »
A dozen students at the University of Texas at San Antonio, some of them in the country illegally, declared a hunger strike Wednesday to urge passage of a federal law that would give students a path to citizenship. Continue »
Here's an important release from today's media call, organized by Reform Immigration FOR America, in which a bipartisan coalition came together to tell Congress to deliver on real immigration reform like the common-sense DREAM Act, which would allow immigrant youth to obtain citizenship through two years of college or... Continue »
This just in: turns out all those rumors about Dobbs heading to FOX were true. After being paid $8 million to leave CNN about a year ago, the hardline immigration-obsessed host became embroiled anew in scandal last month after a year-long investigation exposed his own immigration hypocrisy (employing undocumented... Continue »
New polling released today from Lake Research Partners on behalf of America's Voice sheds light on the views of all voters toward immigration policy. The research finds that, despite midterm election gains by conservatives and Republicans, Americans' support for comprehensive immigration reform has actually increased. Voters of every... Continue »
Just a quick note to our friends on Capitol Hill – the Florida Independent reports that you'll have a fiery new colleague walking the halls of Congress, asking you to lunch and offering her, um, constructive suggestions about how to win the hearts and minds of America – including... Continue »
The Spanish-language media continues to analyze the implications of last Tuesday's elections, particularly the influence of the Latino vote and the prospects of immigration relief measures under the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, in his new book, former president George W. Bush looks back on... Continue »
Most voters favor comprehensive immigration reform that would strengthen border security, crack down on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants while requiring those living illegally in the U.S. to meet various requirements before going to "the back of the line" for a path to citizenship. Continue »