The Spanish-language media continues to analyze the implications of last Tuesday’s elections, particularly the influence of the Latino vote and the prospects of immigration relief measures under the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, in his new book, former president George W. Bush looks back on his attempt to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2007.
Now what? El Sol de Yakima (Washington State) asks “Now what?” (“¿Y ahora qué?”) in an editorial asking what the future looks like for immigration reform. News agency EFE writes that “Congressional leaders in favor of and opposed to immigration reform will battle throughout the shortened ‘lame duck’ session starting next week, which will be marked by the typical acrimony over the future of undocumented immigrants in the U.S.”
Anti-immigrant new GOP leadership. La Opinión (Los Angeles) publishes an analysis concluding that it is expected that the new makeup of the House of Representatives under Republican rule “will be more anti-immigrant.” The paper writes:
“The new leadership guarantees that progress will be in precisely the opposite direction: new restrictions, support for anti-immigrant laws and more support for mass deportation.”
La Opinión and El Diario-La Prensa (New York) reprint the column “Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” by Maribel Hastings of America’s Voice, discussing what to expect on the issue of immigration from Republican congressmen Lamar Smith and Steve King, new chairs of the House Judiciary Committee and Immigration Subcommittee, respectively.