This backgrounder on constitutional citizenship reveals that recent attempts to deny citizenship to babies is unconstitutional and wrong, leading to millions of dollars lost in litigation, and viewed by the fastest growing voting demographic -- Latinos -- as an attack on their community. Moreover, revoking the 14th amendment...
Pew Hispanic Center is out with a new poll. Though they want to focus on letting us know that the "Public Favors Tougher Border Controls and Path to Citizenship" (we already knew that), more relevant to current immigration news is this: Americans don't want to change the 14th Amendment's...
As Arizona ramps up to finish off what little funds the state has left on another piece of hateful legislation aimed at revoking the citizenship of children born to undocumented immigrants, a few young voices took to the stand to tell the assembly what they really needs to...
Feb 4, 2011
Proponents of an amendment to curb birthright citizenship know the measure would never pass. But they're more interested in fomenting anxiety than solving the illegal immigration problem.
Congress needs to show leadership, speak up for American values, and put an end to this disgusting attack on the constitution. Join us in sending our leaders in Congress a fax, telling them to reject Senators Vitter and Paul's dangerous move to scrap the 14th amendment.
If you've been paying attention to the politics of immigration this month, you've probably noticed:
1) GOP state and local officials, joined by Republicans in both the House and Senate, are trying to mainstream an extreme push to repeal the 14th Amendment. So much for being defenders of the...
Two U.S. senators have taken up the mantle of state lawmakers trying to deny automatic citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants.
Two Republican senators are introducing a resolution that would end the constitutional right to citizenship that comes with being born on U.S. soil.
A newly proposed Georgia state legislation has a church group fearful that it will be similar to or even go beyond Arizona's current immigration law by affecting babies born to undocumented mothers.
Arizona is expected to set off another seismic immigration wave on Thursday, when both chambers of its legislature expect to hear the introduction of bills denying citizenship to U.S.-born babies of undocumented immigrants.