Most of the Republican Members of the House Homeland Security Committee have amplified white nationalist “invasion” and “replacement” conspiracy theories over the last few years. Their rhetoric is inexorably tied to the “Great Replacement Theory” and multiple domestic terrorist attacks that have claimed the lives of dozens of Americans... Continue »
Alarming reports have revealed that Senate negotiators and the Biden White House could be close to agreeing to a “border security” deal that would actually do nothing to improve conditions at the border. It would instead implement permanent changes that would eviscerate decades of established asylum law, severely limit... Continue »
UPDATE: Since publication from November 13th, 2023, at least 33 Republican members of Congress from the 118th used language associated with the great replacement theory to justify Mayorkas’ impeachment at least 60 times on public platforms. On November 9, 2023, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a privileged resolution... Continue »
One of the former Trump administration officials primarily responsible for the separation of thousands of children from their families has raised resurrecting the brutal, chaotic, and traumatizing “zero tolerance” policy if the indicted former president returns to the White House in 2025. During questioning by Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro... Continue »
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings and David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week: The Republican theater of treating Immigration as an electoral weapon continues to hold military aid to... Continue »
Washington, DC – Republicans remain intent to use the supplemental funding process to enact a host of permanent and draconian immigration and asylum policy changes and some Senate Democrats – disturbingly – seem open to the discussion. Notably, there are important border and asylum policy details that Congress can... Continue »
Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson’s elevation to House Speaker marks the ascent of one of the most far-right Congressional Republicans to one of the most powerful positions in the federal government. Speaker Johnson has gone further than many of his nativist colleagues, on reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, and on immigration.... Continue »
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings and David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week: Lixania Rodas, Venezuelan, the granddaughter of Spanish migrants, immigrated herself out of necessity. She left behind... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas: “When all else fails and their internal chaos exposes an inability to govern,” Republicans “default to blaming immigrants.” Washington, DC – It is increasingly clear that Republicans cannot agree with each other on how to keep the U.S. government open for the American people, but as they... Continue »
While former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are certainly the loudest nativists of the 2024 Republican presidential primary field, they’re not the only candidates to put forward anti-immigrant plans. Rather than offering workable and humane solutions to our broken immigration system, the proposals from GOP candidates... Continue »