Last Friday, President Obama took to the airwaves to announce a bold new deportation strategy for DREAM Act youth: effective immediately, DREAMers who meet certain criteria will be protected from deportation and eligible to apply for work permits. While commentators and editorial boards all over the nation applauded the... Continue »
As Rep. David Rivera (R-FL) introduces the STARS Act and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) makes headlines discussing his alternative to the DREAM Act, DREAM Act-eligible youth are letting President Obama know that the ball is in his court, and it’s time to weigh in, too. A must-read written by... Continue »
With Mitt Romney having all-but-officially sewn up the Republican presidential nomination, the consensus of pundits and party strategists alike is that we’ve moved into general election season.  As Talking Points Memo noted, “After a week in which both sides aggressively courted women voters, this week is shaping up to... Continue »
Pundits and Parties Acknowledge Importance of Latino Voters for 2012  With Mitt Romney having all-but-officially sewn up the Republican presidential nomination, the consensus of pundits and party strategists alike is that we’ve moved into general election season.  As Talking Points Memo noted, “After a week in which both sides... Continue »
With the Nevada caucus behind them, the GOP presidential candidates now turn to Colorado, where they will compete in the sixth nominating contest so far this year. Despite the fact that immigration is not a big issue for most Republican caucus-goers, as in years past, the issue will... Continue »
With the Nevada caucus behind them, the GOP presidential candidates now turn to Colorado, where they will compete in the sixth nominating contest so far this year. Despite the fact that immigration is not a big issue for most Republican caucus-goers, as in years past, the issue will... Continue »
With Mitt Romney's resounding victory in Florida's Republican primary yesterday, bolstered by 54% support from Latino voters, it is important to put Romney's victory in context. What does it mean for the general election competition for the Latino vote, in Florida and beyond? Continue »
With Mitt Romney's resounding victory in Florida's Republican primary yesterday, bolstered by 54% support from Latino voters, it is important to put Romney's victory in context. What does it mean for the general election competition for the Latino vote, in Florida and beyond? Below are 10 numbers... Continue »
Mitt Romney is poised to win the Florida Republican primary and polls suggest he will win with virtually all key demographic groups – including Hispanics. But given Romney's controversial calls for "self-deportation," his promise in Iowa to veto the DREAM Act, and his embrace of Arizona and Alabama... Continue »
Mitt Romney is poised to win the Florida Republican primary and polls suggest he will win with virtually all key demographic groups – including Hispanics. But given Romney's controversial calls for "self-deportation," his promise in Iowa to veto the DREAM Act, and his embrace of Arizona and Alabama... Continue »