Cross-Posted at Citizen Orange. The “DREAM Now Series: Letters to Barack Obama” is a social media campaign that launched Monday, July 19, to underscore the urgent need to pass the DREAM Act. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, S. 729, would help tens of thousands... Continue »
As anti-immigrant ringleaders whip themselves into a frenzy over illegal immigration, and continue a strategy that is both bad for the Republican Party and bad for the country, some Republicans are suggesting another way. Continue »
The Spanish-language press continues to wait with bated breath for Judge Susan Bolton to issue a decision on whether to keep Arizona's SB 1070 from going into effect this Thursday, July 29th. Continue »
The initial hearing in the federal lawsuit against Arizona law SB 1070, held yesterday in Phoenix, continues to dominate the headlines in the Spanish-language press. Continue »
I posted this up earlier in the week, but I wanted to make sure folks here in Vegas got a shot to join us for these fabulous immigration panels, screenings, and discussions at Netroots Nation. Note that we'll be showing off some original video at Friday's 3pm immigration film... Continue »
Today's hearing in Phoenix over the federal lawsuit—and other suits—filed against Arizona law SB 1070 occupies the attention of the Spanish-language press, which covers it from a variety of angles. Continue »
The DREAM Now letters to follow each week, from undocumented young people who feel they must tell their stories, will be used to call attention to the urgent need to pass the DREAM Act without further delay. Please get involved by posting the letters on your blog, your facebook... Continue »
The demonstration yesterday by activists calling for passage of the DREAM Act, which would legalize young people who had completed at least two years of college or enlisted in the military (in addition to fulfilling other requirements), is one of the lead stories in the Spanish-language media this morning.... Continue »
Yesterday, the President of the AFL-CIO Richard Trumka and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis sat down to talk about a key workers' rights issue: comprehensive immigration reform. The duo made a clear and compelling case for reform that legalizes undocumented immigrants, and explained why comprehensive reform is in... Continue »
With today's "graduation ceremony" for DREAM activists in Washington, questions resurface about how the bill legalizing undocumented young people will move forward. As the border prepares to receive National Guard troops, controversy remains over the death of Anastasio Hernández in Border Guard custody; and the list released in Utah... Continue »