The mainstream media has done a pretty lousy job reporting what's next for the DREAM Act, writes Marisa Treviño of Latina Lista: "If ever there was an issue constantly lobbed at with distortions and falsehoods, the DREAM Act bill is one... Yet, there's nothing to be afraid of if... Continue »
We're back with more reaction from Wednesday night following the House vote victory on the DREAM Act. Watch DREAM leader Lizbeth and immigration reform champion Rep. Luis Gutierrez. Continue »
Trivia question for all you policy wonks: before the DREAM Act passed Wednesday night, when was the last time you read the headline, "House passes historic immigration bill?" Answer: December 16, 2005. Continue »
Republican champion of the DREAM Act Senator Dick Lugar (R-IN) recently told POLITICO that he absolutely will vote yes on the DREAM Act, which is welcome news as advocates work to reach out to Republican swing votes: "After Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delayed a test vote on the... Continue »
As the future of the DREAM Act remains in the hands of the United States Senate, the Spanish-language press reports today that the upper chamber's strategy of shelving the proposal in order to consider the version passed by the House of Representatives is breathing new life into the bill's... Continue »
After watching the House of Representatives pass the DREAM Act yesterday, youth leaders gathered with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) to thank their colleagues and Representatives for voting their conscience. Continue »
After the historic victory yesterday in the House of Representatives, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made a bold move today to shelve a vote on the Senate's original version of the DREAM Act. In doing so, he paved the way for the Senate to take up the House-passed version... Continue »
Yesterday we celebrated the historic passage of the DREAM Act in the House of Representatives. Now, advocates are turning up the heat on the Senate -- there is a first vote in less than an hour, and advocates should keep calling: 866-996-516. Continue »
It's on, folks. The DREAM Act is slated to be voted on in both chambers of government today, and we're expecting a close vote in the House. Yesterday, DREAM backers delivered giant checks (for $2.3 billion) to Congress and continued to ramp up their contact with key Senate votes... Continue »
Late this evening, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that the House will take up the American DREAM Act on Wednesday, December 8th. Following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice: "The news that the House of Representatives will hold a vote on the... Continue »