Morning, folks.  Liveblogging this morning from Netroots Nation where our panel, Immigration and the Power of the Latino Vote: Why Harry Reid Came Back and Alex Sink Sunk has just started.  On stage is Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Markos Moulitsas from Daily Kos, and Paco Fabian from Change to... Continue »
Here's the livestream from our panel at Netroots Nation, Immigration and the Power of the Latino Vote: Why Harry Reid Came Back and Alex Sink Sunk with Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Markos Moulitsas from Daily Kos, and Paco Fabian from Change to Win. Continue »
Amid controversy over this week's efforts to revive a federal E-Verify program, farmers are finding themselves with a slight reprieve. The bill, which came back on Tuesday when Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) introduced the Legal Workforce Act, would require businesses in the U.S. to verify the immigration status... Continue »
The U.S. government's failure to set a national immigration policy places its economy at risk, creating a barrier to educated and skilled entrepreneurs and entry-level labor, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. Continue »
The Obama administration intensified a crackdown on employers of illegal immigrants, notifying another 1,000 companies in all 50 states Wednesday the government plans to inspect their hiring records. Businesses across the U.S. that rely on low-skilled labor are working to stave off Immigration and Customs Enforcement audits, which can... Continue »
During a firefight in 2003, near Umm Qasr, Iraq, Lance Cpl. José Luis Gutierrez became one of the first American casualties of that war. Ironically, Cpl. Gutierrez was not an American citizen when he died. He was a lawful permanent resident, born in Guatemala, who came to the United... Continue »
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) haven't met before. But Gutierrez, one of the House's most passionate pro-immigration advocates, is getting personal with the freshman tea-party senator, labeling him an "extremist" and saying his Cuban-born parents benefitted from the same type of "generous" immigration policies that... Continue »
President Obama's visit to Puerto Rico, the first official state visit by a president in five decades, has been widely recognized as an attempt to reach out to voters back home, where winning the Latino vote is a key part of Obama's re-election strategy. Continue »
Yesterday, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) each introduced their own versions of mandatory E-Verify legislation. Freshman senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is an original cosponsor of the Grassley bill. Following is a statement from Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director of America's Voice. Continue »
Last week, we wrote about how the state of Georgia is facing a labor shortage after passing a harsh anti-immigration law that has chased many of its agricultural workers out. Nearly half of the 132 Georgia businesses polled in a private survey said they were experiencing a shortage... Continue »