In a Huffington Post piece today, Cornell University President David J. Skorton reminds us that immigration has always been a net benefit for this country and makes the case for immigration reform—especially for students.
Despite attempts by the likes of Jeb Bush, Newt Gingrich and Tom Ridge to get the Republican Party to move away from anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric that alienate Hispanic voters, those in the driver's seat for the GOP on immigration policy are House hard liners Lamar Smith (R-TX), Elton...
President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon are meeting amid heightened tensions over violence at their shared border, though no major breakthroughs are expected on what's quickly becoming a defining issue in the relationship between the North American allies.
Two lawmakers who have been at odds with each other on immigration legislation stood together Wednesday to jointly introduce a migrant worker bill that seeks to begin a partnership between Utah and a state in Mexico.
Republican state lawmakers weren't kidding last year when they vowed to take on illegal immigration in Georgia. In recent months, they have introduced no fewer than eight bills seeking to crack down on a long list of problems tied to illegal immigrants.
It's like he can't help it: ridiculously anti-immigrant pundit Mark Krikorian, executive director of the hate group/think tank Center for Immigrant Studies (CIS), has penned another racist, nativist gem, making him once again one of those people we're kind of glad to have around.
Don't look now, but Texas is turning blue. Not today, to be sure, nor tomorrow. But to read the newly released census data on the Lone Star State is to understand that Texas, the linchpin of any Republican electoral college majority, is turning Latino and, unless the Republicans...
Making the intellectual link between slavery and illegal immigration isn't hard.
Indiana's proposed immigration law -- which would be one of the toughest such laws in the nation -- took hits Tuesday on two fronts. Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry announced that he had joined about 2,600 people in signing a petition to encourage state lawmakers to leave immigration reform...
In December 2005 H.R. 4437, aka the "Sensenbrenner Bill" was passed by the House of Representatives and the issue of immigration became front page news in American politics.