Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): YubaNet: Lynn Tramonte: America, This Is What a Deportation Force Looks Like Associated Press: The Latest: US Embassy clarifies travel rules for Israelis Reuters: Trump’s orders on immigration face new legal challenges in U.S By Scott Malone and Dan Levine Washington... Continue »
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and leading Congressional Democrats held a press conference last night on the steps of the US Supreme Court to speak in opposition to Donald Trump’s executive orders targeting immigrants, Muslims, and refugees. The Congressional Democrats were joined by two refugees affected by... Continue »
Donald Trump branded himself as the “law and order” candidate during the election, but his Presidency has so far been anything but. Just 12 days into his term, chaos reigns supreme in the Trump administration, following public outcry and legal challenges to his unconstitutional immigration orders, the firing of acting... Continue »
Civil rights leaders and activists continued ongoing protests against Jeff Sessions into this morning, as the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on advancing his nomination to the full Senate. The hearing comes just hours after a chaotic evening for the White House, after Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: If Trump Goes After ‘Dreamers,’ Republican Loyalty May Be Tested By Carl Hulse Bloomberg: Immigrants Mobilize for War With Trump By Francis Wilkinson Arizona Republic: How ‘dreamers’ are preparing in case Trump ends Obama immigration actions By Daniel... Continue »
Over the past weekend, tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered at airports and state capitals across the nation to decry Donald Trump’s Deportation Force and unconstitutional executive actions targeting Muslims and refugees. The demonstrations, which have been ongoing since last Friday, have been unfolding like wildfire in blue and red... Continue »
A flood of pro-immigrant, pro-refugee, pro-Muslim voices from the business, financial, and entertainment worlds have joined demonstrators on the ground to condemn the Donald Trump Administration’s unconstitutional executive orders, which have resulted in chaos at airports across the US and abroad. Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky: Open doors brings all of... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): The Pueblo Chieftan: Hispanics cast key votes in Colorado By Peter Roper Daily Millbury: Protesters rally at McCarran against Trump travel ban on immigrants, refugees Black Star News: Even majority Of Republicans Oppose Trump’s Immigration-Deportation Scheme By Frank Sharry Associated Press:... Continue »
In a video message, Gold Star father Khizr Khan condemned Donald Trump’s actions against immigrants, refugees, and Muslims, and encouraged all Americans to call their members of Congress and ask them to take a stand against the President’s attacks. “I want to remind everyone why we migrated to this... Continue »
In Florida, immigrants and their allies protested outside the office of Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Giménez, after he caved to Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant executive orders and backed down from the county’s sanctuary policy. One Spanish-language sign read, “traitor”. “Though Trump’s executive order may ultimately be unconstitutional and not survive a court challenge,”... Continue »