Passing the DREAM Act should be a no-brainer. It's a Mom-and-apple-pie measure that enables high-achieving young immigrants to go to college, join our military and earn citizenship. Continue »
So, just where do Americans stand on the red-hot issue of illegal immigration? Is it true that they want the government to just "build the dang fence" and be done with it? Are they so fed up with those who have violated immigration laws that they are... Continue »
While most analysis of immigration politics has focused on Arizona lately, both parties should take note of the results of last Tuesday's gubernatorial primary in Florida. In states with a significant Latino presence, there is a steep price to pay for ugly immigration politics. Continue »
News is spreading that the Obama Administration is considering a legal challenge to Arizona's radical new immigration law, SB1070. For those of us interested in civil rights, community safety, and the rule of law, let us hope so. If and when the Department of Justice announces a decision to... Continue »
With comprehensive immigration reform stalled, we strongly believe that the time has come for Congress to pass the DREAM Act. They should do it now -- this summer. The measure would provide a path to citizenship for young people who are Americans in all but paperwork. Continue »
With national polls showing majority support for Arizona's harsh immigration law, you probably think these voters are hard liners determined to rid the country of immigrants and deny a path to legal status for all of the undocumented immigrants in the U.S., right? Wrong. Continue »
Looks like President Obama will be giving Senators John McCain (R-AZ), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) most of what they're asking for: $500 million in new border security funds and 1,200 National Guards deployed to the Southern border. All this, in exchange for… refusing to support comprehensive... Continue »
A second-grader stole the show today, even as U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon held a press conference in the Rose Garden at the White House. They spoke about the need for immigration reform and about concerns over Arizona's harsh new law. Nothing particularly surprising. Continue »
So, let's review. The President and Democratic leaders do what Senator Graham asks of them. They embrace a bipartisan framework drafted by Graham and similar to bills championed by McCain and Kyl in the past. All of this is being done in the name of securing additional... Continue »
It is an amazing fall from grace. A wrenching story of throwing principle on the bonfire of politics to keep power at any cost. I once knew a man of principle named John McCain. John McCain was a hero of mine. Senator McCain 2010, we want John McCain back. Continue »