2 de mayo de 2017
Sentada en su silla de ruedas, acaso con un poco de frío por la lluvia que se avecina, Luisa de Dios agita las manos, alza la voz, corea los estribillos de las consignas que entona algún activista desde la tarima improvisada en Union Park de Chicago, y recibe una...

2 de mayo de 2017
Immigration Reform News May 2, 2017 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración
ENGLISH Daily Kos With not a single peso for the wall, funding deal ‘a stinging defeat’ for Trump By Gabe Ortiz May 01, 2017 Washington Times Cheap foreign labor to flood workforce after spending bill doubles number of visas By Stephen Dinan May 01, 2017 Normangee Star Immigration Arrests...
Today was May Day, and advocates across the country rallied in favor of immigrants’ rights and against Donald Trump’s mass deportation policies. But in Texas, protesters today turned out with particular urgency against SB4, a draconian anti-immigrant state bill that was passed by the state legislature last week and is...
1 de mayo de 2017
The photographs show bananas, each hanging from a string, tied with what appears to be a noose. The images, circulated on social media and the American University campus newspaper, have shocked and angered students and school administrators. “They tied it like a noose and put bananas in them,” says...
Today was May Day / immigration day, and across the nation, immigrants, advocates, labor leaders, faith groups, women’s groups, LGBT champions, environment activists, and others came together through sunshine and rain to make their opposition to Donald Trump’s mass deportation policy heard. You can see our May Day pictures...
Last week, the Texas House of Representatives passed SB4 – a sweeping anti-immigrant bill that may be the most draconian state immigration bill we’ve ever seen. In an op-ed for the Dallas Morning News, Texas police chiefs David Pughes (Dallas) and Art Acevedo (Houston), with support from other Major...
The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, reacting to the government funding deal that will keep the government open through September. The compromise on the supplemental spending request is just that – a compromise. As such, the results are a mixed bag....

1 de mayo de 2017
Immigration Reform News May 1, 2017 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración
ENGLISH TIME Arrests of Undocumented Immigrants Went Up During President’s Trump First 100 Days By Maya Rhodan April 28, 2017 The Independent Three children, 19 years in the US, no criminal record: Meet the man still deported by Donald Trump By Andrew Buncombe April 28, 2017 Daily Kos...