Michigan has seen the results of what immigrants can do to help the economy through companies such as Meijer Inc., Masco Corp. and Dow Chemical Co., and should be attracting more immigrants who can repeat those successes, Gov. Rick Snyder said Monday. Continue »
America's economic future depends on the strength and innovative capacity of our people. We must make the American workforce the strongest in the world. That means educating and training our people. It also means ensuring we continue to bring to our shores those individuals with the skills, innovative capacity... Continue »
California Republicans are pushing a bill that would require employers to electronically verify the immigration status of potential hires, despite warnings from farmers that it will devastate their work force.The Legal Workforce Act is aimed at using a system known as E-Verify to prevent undocumented immigrants from taking jobs... Continue »
Joaquin Bonilla, an undocumented Salvadoran immigrant, was arrested by police in the Miami area recently for driving with an expired license. Bonilla's wife, Irene Martínez, paid a bail agent $150 toward his bond. But Bonilla was not released because immigration authorities had placed a detainer on him so... Continue »
Although the debate over U.S. immigration policy is often cast as a conflict between U.S. citizens and undocumented immigrants, the reality is much more complicated. Undocumented immigrants often have U.S. citizen spouses, children, and parents. Continue »
Sen. Chuck Schumer is attempting to revive moribund efforts to pass a comprehensive immigration bill, telling POLITICO Monday that he will hold a hearing next week focused on the economic argument for an immigration overhaul. It's a subtle shift in emphasis for immigration reform advocates, who met recently with... Continue »
A welcome development in the Secure Communities saga: A federal judge in New York has demanded that the feds hand over some "potentially embarrassing" documents relating to the Secure Communities program. Continue »
New public opinion analysis by Latino Decisions demonstrates that immigration remains important and motivating for Latino voters in the United States, especially because of their personal connection to the debate. As the polling makes clear, the rise in deportations and the lack of action on comprehensive immigration... Continue »
New public opinion analysis by Latino Decisions demonstrates that immigration remains salient and motivating for Latino voters in the United States due to their personal connection to the debate. As the polling makes clear, the rise in deportations and ongoing inaction on comprehensive immigration reform will directly affect... Continue »
WASHINGTON –  Un julio de 2008, el entonces senador federal y aspirante presidencial demócrata, Barack Obama, habló ante la reunión anual del Consejo Nacional de la Raza (NCLR) en San Diego, California, y declaró que “me parece que es hora de que tengamos un presidente que no le de... Continue »