In a surprising show of growth, Hispanics accounted for more than half of the U.S. population increase over the last decade, exceeding estimates in most states. Pulled by migration to the Sun Belt, America's population center edged westward on a historic path to leave the Midwest. Continue »
Under our system, two things are crystal clear: Law enforcement agencies are required to treat children with more care than adults, and U.S. citizens have certain rights that are not to be abridged -- including the right to due process. Just don't try telling any of that to the... Continue »
Three months after the defeat of the Dream Act, a Congressional bill that would have provided a path to legal residency for young illegal immigrants, a state senator from New York City has introduced his own version of the legislation in Albany. Unlike its federal counterpart, the bill... Continue »
In the many years before technology enabled virtually instant checks of a person's immigration status, untold numbers of immigrants — legal and illegal — committed crimes, did their time and were released. But federal immigration officials are now targeting them, as well, and in a three-day sweep by... Continue »
A major immigration bill similar to a controversial Arizona law suffered a potentially fatal blow Wednesday when the Kansas House refused to consider the measure. The House voted 84-40 to kill a last-ditch effort to bypass a committee where the bill had been bottled up by opponents for a... Continue »
Washington, DC – En la última escala de su visita a América Latina, en El Salvador, el presidente Barack Obama refrendó ayer su compromiso con una reforma migratoria integral y afirmó que “tenemos que garantizar un sistema de inmigración legal que sea efectivo y que no sea frustrante para... Continue »
In El Salvador yesterday, President Barack Obama called for bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform. He also said: "America is a nation of laws, and it is a nation of immigrants. And so our job is to create secure borders, to make sure that we've got a legal immigration... Continue »
Former employees gathered today outside the Columbia Heights Chipotle in Washington, DC, to protest the restaurant's unfair labor practices, demanding apologies, explanations, and owed wages. Continue »
Looks like the hard work and persistence of some New York-based dreamers (and around the country, really) paid off. New York now joins Maryland, California, Illinois, and Connecticut as states that are trying to push state versions of the DREAM Act, a federal bill that sadly wasn't passed... Continue »
Los medios en español reportan hoy sobre dos instancias contradictorias. En la última escala de su visita a América Latina, en El Salvador, el presidente Barack Obama declaró que “tenemos que garantizar un sistema de inmigración legal que sea efectivo y que no sea frustrante para las familias, y... Continue »