"This should not happen in America." US deports 4-year-old citizen to Guatemala. Continue »
America's Voice is once again partnering with Democracy for America to offer scholarships for immigration bloggers and organizers. Apply now, deadline approaching fast. Continue »
Probably the biggest political news story from the release of new census data was the growth of the Latino community -- and the corresponding political power of the Latino vote. As you'll see below, reporters and pundits around the country focuses on the political implications of these changing demographics. Continue »
Join us in signing a petition, asking President Obama to stop deporting DREAMers. Continue »
The potential clout of Latino voters has become as familiar a story line as the gender gap. But what might make 2012 different is the edge Latinos could give President Barack Obama and the Democrats in battleground states which aren't thought of as immigration portals or left-leaning strongholds. Continue »
Looks like the hard work and persistence of some New York-based DREAMers (and activists from all around the nation) paid off. New York now joins Maryland, California, Illinois, and Connecticut as states that are trying to push state versions of the DREAM Act. Continue »
New data from the U.S. Census Bureau highlights the dramatic increase of the Latino population over the past decade, in both traditional "gateway" states and throughout the nation, with Latinos now comprising more than 1 in 6 Americans. According to Associated Press analysis of the new data, minority... Continue »
New data from the U.S. Census Bureau highlight the dramatic increase of the Latino population over the past decade, in both traditional "gateway" states and throughout the nation, with Latinos now comprising more than 1 in 6 Americans. According to Associated Press analysis of the new data, minority... Continue »
ARIZONA In 2000, there were 1,295,617 Latinos living in Arizona; by 2010, the Latino population had grown to 1,895,149. The Latino population grew by 46.27% from 2000 to 2010. Arizona’s growing population has netted it an extra seat in Congress, thanks in part to the growth of the Latino... Continue »
The Washington Post's editorial praising the Secure Communities program ("How to improve an immigration status check," March 20th) glossed over some very important details. If the program was targeted at actual criminals, it wouldn't be so controversial and police agencies wouldn't be asking to opt-out. Continue »