A couple of immigration-themed goodies you may have missed while sipping egg nog over the holidays... Wendy Sefsaf reports: "Thousands of organizations, activists, and citizens are already out of the gate and will spend 2010 racing towards the finish line of fixing our broken immigration system. Some dedicated students... Continue »
A bill to allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at state colleges and universities cleared committees in both houses of the Legislature yesterday after several hours of impassioned debate. Continue »
Church leaders have held prayer vigils and recited lines of Scripture, telling their congregants the Bible preaches compassion for strangers. And they've offered educational and support services, in some cases providing a safe haven for those in the country illegally, and advocated independently for the rights of strangers in... Continue »
05/01/10 a 11:41am por Maribel Hastings Este lunes participé de un programa radial en español de la costa Oeste que recibe llamadas de los radioescuchas. Uno de ellos sentenció seguro que “no habrá reforma migratoria”. Todos los políticos y los grupos de presión, afirmó, prometen cosas que no pueden cumplir... Continue »
The quest for overhauling immigration received two very welcome lifts on New Year's Day. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City, at his inauguration, pledged to help the Obama administration pass immigration reform. Continue »
In December, the anti-immigration organization CIS hired the polling firm Zogby International to conduct a survey that claims to have found broad opposition among people of faith for comprehensive immigration reform. While it's unsurprising that CIS would try to push back against recent public proclamations in support of... Continue »
After a largely sleepless night, Cruz Constancia got up Tuesday morning wondering whether this would be the day that she finally stopped receiving dialysis without charge. Continue »
05/01/10 a 10:18am por Rafael Prieto Zartha     La memorable película Pandillas de Nueva York, que exhibe de forma descarnada la violenta pugna por el control de un vecindario de la Gran Manzana a mediados del siglo XIX, encierra en su trasfondo los últimos suspiros de una de las... Continue »
Here's to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for using the occasion of his recent inaugural address to make a definitive pledge of leadership on the pressing issue of federal immigration reform. Managing to address the issue even within a brief speech, Bloomberg promised to organize a bipartisan group... Continue »
America's Voice strongly commends New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for using the occasion of his recent inaugural address to make an extraordinary pledge of leadership on the national issue of immigration. In his remarks he promised to organize a bipartisan group of elected officials from around the... Continue »