Former Secretary of State Colin Powell had the guts to say it like it is on national television. In straightforward terms, Powell had the audacity to declare that illegal immigrants do essential work in the U.S. Continue »
Stephen Colbert, political satirist and coiner of the word "truthiness," will testify Friday at a House hearing on an agricultural jobs bill, a spokesman for the panel said Wednesday afternoon. Continue »
There's not a prayer that comprehensive immigration reform will pass Congress this year, but there's a slim one that a smaller "down payment" measure might. And it should. Continue »
What does Arizona law SB 1070 have to do with the lettuce crop in Yuma? At first glance, not a lot. But when the harvest season for lettuce and other vegetables comes around in November, that could change. If SB 1070 is implemented, many farmworkers without legal immigration status—or with... Continue »
That's right, you heard me. Stephen Colbert has accepted the United Farm Workers' creative challenge to Americans of all stripes to head out to the fields and try their hands at picking fruit, if they want their danged jobs back so badly. Continue »
That's right, the UFW has commenced what they are calling the "Take Our Jobs" campaign, an unprecedented effort to bring attention to the real issues of immigration in agriculture. If it turns out that Americans do take them up on the offer, kudos to them for helping jobless... Continue »
Lots going on today in immigration-- here's a quick recap. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis announced a set of new farm worker rules, including the rollback of a 2008 Bush-era reversal in labor oversight for agricultural workers in the United States. The measure was promptly heralded as a... Continue »
As the immigration debate heats up this year, America's Voice today releases a special report, "Immigration Reform: Know the Players," providing an indispensable reference for anyone following the issue of immigration reform. The series, which was originally published in Spanish on in eight thematic installments, provides background information, statistics,... Continue »
House proponents of comprehensive immigration reform are set to unveil an ambitious bill Tuesday that calls for a pathway to legalization for illegal immigrants, family reunification policies and another push for the controversial AgJOBS program, which would grant temporary immigration status to undocumented farm workers. Continue »
There is no doubt that some native-born workers compete with some unauthorized immigrants for the same jobs. But the vast majority do not. And many businesses, both large and small, depend on the purchasing power that unauthorized workers wield. Immigrants didn't cause the current economic recession, and scapegoating them... Continue »