The latest craze in the immigrant-bashing fad is the drive to deny citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants -- never mind what the 14th amendment says. Continue »
It was stunning to see a senior senator declare, "I'm not sure exactly what the drafters of the 14th Amendment had in mind, but I doubt it was that somebody could fly in from Brazil and have a child and fly back home with that child, and that child... Continue »
Three recent polls of Latino voters show how the current immigration debate—including the national attention to Arizona's anti-immigrant law—has dramatically influenced Latino voters' view of political candidates, as well as their propensity to vote in November. Continue »
Yesterday, the U.S. Senate approved $600 million in funding for additional security measures along the border with Mexico, including new technology, personnel, and even a couple unmanned predator drones. I blogged about the proposal yesterday in "Democrats Bow to Republican Border Security Lies, Spend $600 Million On Non-Solutions" Continue »
Let's get one thing straight: Congress has been derelict in not reforming immigration laws. But to amend the constitution so as to create even more illegal residents would be nuts....what possible good could come of a measure that would increase the number of people living here illegally? It's already... Continue »
Today, leading Senate Democrats Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) unveiled a plan to spend an additional $600 million on border security. This follows months of Republican complaints that the President is "doing next to nothing to secure the border," despite the cold hard fact that spending... Continue »
She beat Poizner by 38 points on June 8, but the damage was done. "What Steve Poizner did was remind all the Latinos why they haven't voted Republican for the past 16 years," said Allan Hoffenblum, publisher of the California Target Book and a former political director for the state... Continue »
Scheduled to take effect only last week, enforcement of Arizona's new anti-immigration law was largely enjoined by a federal judge in Phoenix. The court order will have a number of effects, both expected and unexpected. Continue »
From Phoenix to Philadelphia, Republican candidates are pandering to their base, proposing to round up and kick out illegal immigrants. Meantime, even as it deports far more undocumented workers than its predecessor, the Obama administration and its allies seek to frighten Hispanics into voting Democratic. For the voters and politicians,... Continue »
Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska could have chosen courage, boldness, guts or even lion-heartedness as a yardstick to compare the immigration stances of President Obama and Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona. But the former vice presidential candidate instead went with a much more pointed term on... Continue »