Yesterday, after explosive reports that the administration is still quietly and needlessly separating families, the American Civil Liberties Union headed back to court to argue for the reunification of all the separated families. Judge Dana Sabraw seemed inclined to agree, stating, “It’s important to recognize that we’re talking about... Continue »
In a new editorial, the Washington Post calls on Democrats in the House to force a vote on a privileged joint resolution challenging the President’s emergency declaration. This would force every member of Congress to go on record and declare whether they support the President as he diverts congressionally... Continue »
Last Friday, the same day President Trump announced the “national emergency,” Vice President Mike Pence joined the Munich Security Conference and enumerated the national security threats to the United States government. Notably missing from the Vice President’s speech, any mention of immigration, migrants, Central America or the President’s wall.... Continue »
The national emergency this country faces is not at the southern border, but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the capital city. Last Friday, at the press conference where he declared his national emergency–the one he admitted was not even necessary to declare–President Donald Trump continued to show his incapacity... Continue »
In the wake of Trump’s national emergency declaration, Lara Seligman’s latest piece for Foreign Policy spotlights how the administration will drain billions of dollars from military funding for the construction of an increasingly unpopular border wall. The President’s declaration came just days after military families testified at a Senate... Continue »
“…a clear abuse of power that should offend any patriotic, Constitution-loving American.” (Houston Chronicle editorial) President Trump’s emergency declaration announcement is unpopular and unconstitutional, losing in the court of public opinion and soon in the actual courts. The burden now falls on Republicans to declare whether they stand with... Continue »
As the legal and public opinion fallout swells from President Trump’s “national emergency” declaration, FiveThirtyEight’s Perry Bacon and Nate Silver provide a helpful cheat-sheet on where Republican senators purport to stand on the issue. But, as the duo explain, “opposing the declaration and voting for a resolution to end... Continue »
Donald Trump declared a national emergency in his attempt to get a border wall last Friday, and since then advocates and organizations have been mobilizing to make it clear that this is an egregious abuse of power which will not go unanswered. Protesters have signed tens of thousands of... Continue »
As President Trump signed his declaration of a national emergency, before leaving Washington for a weekend of golf, he took unprecedented action to circumvent the will of Congress in order to make a point to his base that he is doing everything he can to build the wall his... Continue »
Dios nos libre de tener una verdadera emergencia nacional Enlace: Washington, DC –  A continuación compartimos un comunicado de Frank Sharry, Director Ejecutivo de America’s Voice, en relación con informes de que el presidente Trump tiene la intención de declarar una emergencia nacional, con el fin de lograr fondos para... Continue »