“As I heard President Obama speak in the Rose Garden, I knew that I could still fight, that my voice still mattered, that immigration reform was still possible.” Today marks the four year anniversary of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). As similar programs—expanded DACA and the Deferred... Continue »
We are heartbroken by the senseless deaths of 49 Americans in Orlando this past weekend. This despicable act of hate has hit the Latinx community particularly hard. Zoe Colon of the Hispanic Federation estimates that about 90% of the victims were Hispanic. We also know that at least three... Continue »
It Started a Year Ago When Trump Descended That Escalator In the aftermath of the worst mass-shooting in American history, Donald Trump has, once again, proved himself dangerously unfit to lead. That he would use the worst mass-shooting in American history – an anti-LGBT hate crime in a supposedly... Continue »
The Lorain Ohio Immigrant Rights Association (LOIRA), an immigration advocacy group in Ohio, has been working to prepare DAPA-eligible members of Lorain for DAPA’s implementation and application process. LOIRA has organized events designed to help DAPA-eligible community members compile records necessary to apply for DAPA, such as vaccination records... Continue »
Please note the following column was translated from Spanish to English and is available for reprint as long as the author is given proper credit. This column is available online in Spanish here. Whatever the motivations of the perpetrator in Orlando, Florida–the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States–this is... Continue »
At a Latin Night in a crowded gay club in Orlando, at least 49 people were killed in the worst mass-shooting incident in American history. It is heartbreaking to know that these victims of an anti-LGBTQ hate crime were targeted in a supposedly safe space for the community. As... Continue »
GOP leaders continue to twist themselves into pretzels in justifying their continued support for Presidential nominee Donald Trump in the aftermath of his racist attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Some Republicans have done the moral thing for both their party and America by condemning Trump’s remarks and remaining in... Continue »
“The process of unendorsing Trump is humiliating, but only for a moment. The honor of choosing rightly, when it mattered most, will endure.” After a week of controversy surrounding Donald Trump’s comments regarding Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, Republican leaders have been grappling with how to deal with the overt... Continue »
On a press call today Congresswoman Judy Chu of California, Congressman Ruben Gallego of Arizona, and Frank Sharry of America’s Voice discussed Donald Trump’s attacks on the respected Judge Gonzalo Curiel, why these comments are so offensive, and the ways in which the presumed GOP nominee’s candidacy may affect Latino turnout... Continue »
Since the beginning of June, Welcome.US has been sharing personal family stories, PSAs, and photos from celebrities of all backgrounds in commemoration of Immigration Heritage Month. Perhaps one of the most extraordinary stories to emerge yet from the campaign has been that of José Hernández. At 10, he was a... Continue »