The proposed DREAM Act is one of the wisest pieces of legislation in the comprehensive immigration reform package. That is why public opinion polls show that the majority of Americans back it. Given this widespread support, the House of Representatives does not have to be reluctant to put the... Continue »
Young people brought here illegally by their parents as children are mobilizing across Connecticut as both the federal and state governments consider proposals that could profoundly improve their future. Continue »
Despite the DREAM Act's clear economic benefits and compelling testimonials from military and education leaders calling for its passage, Republicans in the Senate continue to raise excuse after excuse to avoid a vote on the DREAM Act later this week. Despite this blatant political maneuvering by... Continue »
Even as the House readies for a DREAM vote this week, Mike Lillis' latest piece on DREAM in The Hill paints a stark picture of the challenges the DREAM Act faces to garner conservative backers in the Senate. Lillis describes Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison's recent complaints about the bill: Continue »
Immigrant advocates have staged sit-ins, held rallies and gone on hunger strikes in recent days in an 11th hour bid to get Congress to pass legislation that would give illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship by going to college or serving in the military. Continue »
Today, Ohio Evangelical leaders came together to show their support for a talented young DREAM Act - elible man currently at risk of deportation. His name is Bernard Pastor, and he has been in detention for weeks now, as members of his church, school, and community rally their voices... Continue »
The Senate has a chance to take a small but humane step in solving the complexities of illegal immigration. Passage would also show that deeply divided Washington can find common ground. The DREAM Act deserves to be passed. Continue »
A series of economic estimates and revenue projections, most notably from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), show that the DREAM Act will strengthen the U.S. economy. As the House of Representatives prepares to vote on DREAM next week, the new projections demonstrate why DREAM's passage should be... Continue »
"It's important to point out that the DREAM Act fits into a larger strategy of immigration enforcement, and would actually complement the Department of Homeland Security's efforts to prioritize our enforcement resources on removing dangerous criminal aliens from the country," Napolitano said. Continue »
The fringe anti-immigration group ALIPAC is back at it this week. Their President, William Gheen, went on Fox News recently to claim that the Dream Act was a "political teddy bear with a hand grenade in it." Wow. As usual, extreme groups are making extreme statements with little basis... Continue »