The fringe anti-immigration group ALIPAC is back at it this week. Their President, William Gheen, went on Fox News recently to claim that the Dream Act was a “political teddy bear with a hand grenade in it.” Wow. As usual, extreme groups are making extreme statements with little basis in reality.
The truly alarming part, however, was news today that ALIPAC sent out an email asking its supporters to lie about being constituents when calling up Congressmen who are on the group’s House target list – see their “new tip,” bolded below:
Please start your calls today by calling the 10 listed as “Voting No” and say…
“I want to thank Congressman _______ for voting No on the Dream Act Amnesty which would ‘displace and replace millions of innocent American students, workers, and voters with illegal aliens!’ Please ask him to encourage other Democrats to say No as well.”
Once you have thanked the NO votes, proceed to lobby the unknowns.
Here is the activism link for you. We need all of our ALIPAC activist Aces High today!
NEW TIP: We have added towns and zips of district offices beneath the DC contact info. If a staffer challenges you for town and zip to disuade your call, you may give them the ones we provide or you can say “If you are listening to illegal aliens today, you can listen to me because I am an American.“
From the sound of it, ALIPAC is terrified at the thought that the DREAM Act has a good chance of passing. They are trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that nearly 70% of Americans overall support the targeted, bipartisan DREAM Act, including a majority of Republican voters.
DREAM Act supporters have made tens of thousands of calls this week alone, but anti-immigration groups are clearly going to great lengths to kill the DREAM. Please help counter this nonsense, and call your Representatives in Congress now.