DHS Watch was created in 2018 to uphold an immigration system that is competently administered, accountable, and adheres to long-held American values on immigration. DHS Watch shines a light on policies and administration that fail to adhere to basic principles of good governance.
“Plan would bar people who enter illegally from getting asylum” In a must-read exclusive, Vox’s Dara Lind reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has drafted a regulation that would bar most of those fleeing horrific violence in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala from being recognized as refugees in the...
While the Trump administration pursues zero tolerance policies at the border and indiscriminate deportations throughout the country, observers are highlighting the toll on public safety, national security and effective law enforcement due to the administration’s policies and plans: Texas Observer, “ICE Criminal Investigators Ask to Be Distanced from Detentions,...
And Should Open the Door to Workable Alternatives On Tuesday, a federal judge issued a decision in Ms. L. v. ICE. In it, Judge Dana Sabraw, a George W. Bush appointee, ends the Trumps-Sessions-Nielsen family separation policy and strongly criticizes the administration for violating the constitutional rights to family...
Even Family Detention is No Place for a Child, Especially When There Are Smart, Humane and Cost-effective Alternatives Pulitzer Prize-winning author Sonia Nazario published an opinion piece in the New York Times describing the cruelty and harm of trading family separation for family detention, especially when smart, humane and...
Late Friday U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen filed a memorandum in NAACP v. Trump, one of the several court challenges to President Trump’s September 4, 2017 cancellation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, purportedly “clarifying the Department’s position” on its rescission of DACA. The memorandum is in...
As directed by the President’s executive order issued on Wednesday, the Trump Justice Department has filed a request on Thursday to amend a federal court order – the “Flores Agreement” – to allow the administration to detain children for indefinite periods of time. Currently, such indefinite detention is in...

The latest episode of our podcast, “A is for America”, features an interview with Ur Jaddou, the director of DHS Watch, a project of America’s Voice that focuses on holding the Trump Administration accountable for its anti-immigrant practices. We spoke about Trump’s practice of separating children from their families,...
Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order which purports to end his cruel family separation policy. However, as written, it does no such thing. In fact, it could make the situation worse by requiring indefinite detention of families and continuing to permit children to be taken from their parents....
Children Don’t Belong in Detention, Especially When There Are Effective, Humane and Cost-efficient Alternatives Medical experts, from pediatricians to psychologists, have resoundingly agreed that separating children from parents under Trump’s family separation policy is “causing irreparable harm… can carry lifelong consequences for children.” The President of the American Academy...
No, Secretary Nielsen, Enforcing the Law Does Not Require Tearing Families Apart. DHS Secretary Nielsen claims DHS is merely enforcing the law to secure the border when her Department separates children from parents. She is wrong. The separation is the result of a series of draconian policy choices by...