Today -- in part because of concerned Americans like you -- Obama's Department of Justice announced that they are taking a stand. They will challenge Arizona's new "show me your papers" immigration law and sue the state for usurping federal authority. We know that those who support... Continue »
He stressed that the speech was an important moment to reassert federal leadership on immigration, and he encouraged reform supporters to sign the petition to the White House and Congress to pass the DREAM Act -- as a down payment on full, comprehensive reform. The New York Times ran... Continue »
Governor Jan Brewers claim last week that immigrants in Arizona are cutting peoples heads off could cost the people of Arizona $250,000 in lost tourism. A report released Wednesday by the Governor's Tourism and Economic Development Task Force found that public funding was needed to convince tourists and convention-goers that,... Continue »
News is spreading that the Obama Administration is considering a legal challenge to Arizona's radical new immigration law, SB1070. For those of us interested in civil rights, community safety, and the rule of law, let us hope so. If and when the Department of Justice announces a decision to... Continue »
Over the weekend, AZ Governor Jan Brewer drew criticism for comments she made Friday that exposed a frightening ignorance on the topics of immigration and crime. AP's Paul Davenport has more in Arizona Governor: Most Illegal Immigrants Are Smuggling Drugs. It turns out that even Senator John McCain, who... Continue »
Hope for a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year has fallen by the wayside, but the Obama administration is rallying for one last hurrah before mid-term elections in November. Late last week, the White House unofficially announced plans to sue the state of Arizona over the now notorious Senate... Continue »
Despite all the criticism for passing SB1070, Governor Jan Brewer continues to defend it adamantly. Ramping up her rhetoric, Brewer has cited security issues and increasing violence as motives for the law's enactment. Recently she claimed it necessary to protect Arizona from the "murder, terror, and mayhem" carried... Continue »
Rep. King also made the absurd statement Monday that law enforcement could spot those here illegally by either noting indicators such as, "What kind of clothes people wear…what kind of shoes people wear, what kind of accent they have, the type of grooming that they might have…" or: "…just... Continue »
Via MTV Tr3s' arts and culture blog, Blogamole, Salma Hayek is the latest celebrity to speak out against Arizona's controversial immigration law, SB 1070: "What surprises me is the lack of humanity with which they are treating the immigrants," she said. "What I can't understand is how the United... Continue »
"The immigration law creates a difficult situation for both legal and illegal residents," said Jay Butler, director of realty studies at Arizona State University. "Some illegal residents may have planned on leaving the Valley anyway because they can't find jobs. But I have talked to young Hispanics who are... Continue »