Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) will meet with President Barack Obama Tuesday afternoon to talk about the chances of getting comprehensive immigration reform or the DREAM Act passed in the lame duck session. Continue »
Tonight, at 10:00 pm EST, Lawrence O'Donnell will host an MSNBC Special Town Hall Event on "Immigration and Latino America" with the Executive Director of Voto Latino, Maria Teresa Kumar. Continue »
A mounting array of evidence shows that the 2010 national exit poll failed to capture a representative sample of Latino voters and, resultantly, misstated levels of Latino support for candidates. However, research by Latino Decisions provides a more accurate picture of Latino voter sentiment in the 2010 elections.... Continue »
Sen. Dianne Feinstein has asked immigration authorities to halt the deportation of City College of San Francisco nursing student Steve "Shing Ma" Li while she considers introducing a bill that would allow him to stay in the United States temporarily, her office said Sunday. Continue »
That's right, key House Republicans want a vote on the common-sense DREAM Act without further delay. Since 2002, the DREAM Act has been a bipartisan measure with bipartisan support, and we are glad to see Republican leaders on the measure again speaking up for its passage today. Continue »
Pushing the divisive 'anchor babies' rhetoric is no road to immigration reform and will only make Latino voters more suspicious of GOP motives than they've already become. Continue »
Compared with the 9 percent of eligible voters who are Latino, Karen Narasaki estimated the Asian vote represents about 5 percent of eligible voters. "That '5 percent nationally' gets lost because we're heavily concentrated on the West Coast, New York, and in California, which has the largest Asian population." Continue »
It is called Secure Communities, but its critics say the name doesn't reflect the reality of what the federal program actually does...ICE's own records reveal that nearly 79% of individuals deported nationally through the program from October 2008 through June 2010 had no criminal record or were arrested for... Continue »
Our broken immigration system impacts the country's $1 trillion domestic food industry, and its food safety problem. The "AgJOBS" bill – officially the Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits and Security Act – is one of only a few pieces of unfinished legislation with bipartisan support. Continue »
Republicans will have the next two years to set the immigration agenda in the House of Representatives. If their legislation looks anything like their campaign ads, there will be no way for illegal immigrants to get right with the law and no real solution to the problem of illegal... Continue »