Under newly fortified Republican control, many state governments started the year pledging forceful action to crack down on illegal immigration, saying they would fill a void left by the stalemate in Washington over the issue. Continue »
Get out the checkbook: here comes another round of legal fighting over another needless, senseless immigration law. The House has passed - 85-7 - a sweeping anti-illegal immigrant bill that, of all things, echoes Arizona's controversial law that is being challenged in court. Continue »
The Oklahoma House overwhelmingly passed a bill patterned after the controversial Arizona law that allows local law enforcement officers to inquire about people's immigration status adding Oklahoma to the list of state's who have considered or passed Arizona-style illegal immigration laws. Continue »
House Republicans really let their nativist flag fly yesterday with simultaneous hearings on "New Jobs in Recession and Recovery: Who Are Getting Them and Who Are Not" (or rather: "Why Immigrants are Supposedly Recovering from the Recession Faster than Natives and What We Can Do to Make Sure... Continue »
In Arizona, fervor against illegal immigration is so intense that politicians have pushed some of the nation's toughest laws and citizen activists have patrolled the border themselves. But census data released Thursday show another side of the population story: Arizonans are increasingly becoming Hispanic. Continue »
Proving that truism, the slowly emerging class of Republican presidential candidates increasingly looks like a bunch of bystanders. More-dynamic party forces are shaping both the GOP's public image and its internal debate in ways certain to reverberate through next year's nomination battle and the general election. Continue »
The U.S. runs the risk of falling behind in the global race for talent if its immigration policies aren't fixed, says a study in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas's annual report. What's needed most, the report says, is an approach that draws in high-skilled workers from abroad. Continue »
Gov. Rick Scott's pledge to bring an Arizona-style immigration law to Florida probably won't happen, but a House committee voted Thursday to bring him the next best thing. Continue »
There's been a lot of discussion about immigration policy in the states. Arizona and Utah have garnered a lot of attention. But, an article this week on Yahoo Noticias pointed us to some very interesting findings on the issue in Idaho. Continue »
Demands for the rule of law clashed with calls of compassion for strangers as the state House Judiciary Committee took the Legislature's first crack at an Arizona-style immigration proposal. Continue »