Polling shows that support for immigration reform is increasing, particularly among younger Americans. Yes, younger Americans strongly support immigration reform and immigrants. The anti-immigrant wedge doesn't work with them. Continue »
UPDATE on the Georgia 7: Great news! After a night in prison, all seven protestors from the DREAM demonstration in Atlanta Tuesday have been released. They are asking for your continued support as they resume campaigning against the Georgia ban on higher education for undocumented students. ... Continue »
In the two years since her father was deported, 13-year-old Elisabeth and her three younger siblings have settled into an after-school routine while their mother, Maria Lourdes, works long hours at a beauty salon. The family shares a cramped bedroom in a Waukegan apartment. Continue »
Community leaders and activists say federal immigration agents are stalking Hispanic immigrants on the city's southwest side as they go to church and take their children to school. About 120 people stood in the pouring rain Wednesday outside the Hope of Detroit Academy on North Campbell near Michigan to... Continue »
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is "taking it to the streets." Or at least that's the motto behind a new pilot program aimed at combatting the negative image that some community groups have about the department. Continue »
A national version of the Utah Compact is largely written, and key officials are aiming for a signing ceremony this summer in Washington, D.C., to propel discussions on immigration reform solutions. Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff said Tuesday the so-called "America's Compact" aligns closely with the Utah Compact. Continue »
Urging minority groups to unite and assert their influence on policy makers in Massachusetts and across the country, the head of a prominent interfaith group quoted Scripture and drew cheers at a State House rally yesterday. Continue »
Detroit ICE agents are known as some of the most aggressive immigration agents in the country. They have engaged in abusive -- and often illegal -- enforcement tactics before. But last week the Michigan Field Office run by Rebecca Adducci reached a new low. Continue »
President Obama spoke at Bell Multicultural High School last week at a Town Hall meeting and during, stated that it was inappropriate to use his executive powers to grant "temporary protected status" to undocumented workers. He also said that it's "just not the case" that he can suspend deportations... Continue »
Despite the claims of Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Latino voters did not embrace Republican Latinos in 2010. In Nevada's race for Governor, while figures show that while Republican Brian Sandoval beat Clark County commissioner Rory Reid overall, getting 53.4% of the vote to Reid's 41.6%, Latino voters overwhelmingly preferred... Continue »