As we all know, the immigration issue is here to stay. Candidates can no longer duck and hide from the debate and election results will be largely affected by what was and was not said about the issue during the campaign. Continue »
No matter the season, no matter the year, you can expect the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) to put out a report chock-full of pseudo-research that concludes with calls for fewer immigrants in the U.S. Continue »
Although polar bears are in danger, the ICE we are referring to here is the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In early August, Julie Myers, Assistant Secretary of ICE let slip during an Univision interview that her agency was going to unveil a new program... Continue »
Today, October 4, 2013 at 12 PM Noon ET, Rep. Judy Chu along with immigration reform advocates will be holding a live Youtube town hall to talk about immigration reform and the House immigration bill that was introduced this week.  You can watch the live video below, and submit questions via... Continue »