A bipartisan group of Senators is scheduled to release their principles for immigration reform this afternoon, and in advance of the development Huffington Post Live hosted a discussion panel with our Deputy Director, Lynn Tramonte. The panel discussed the GOP and its recent shifts in immigration; watch it below:
As Lynn said during the discussion about the Senate principles and why Republicans must support immigration reform:
The principles are a great start for bipartisan immigration reform. The Senators got the big idea right, which is citizenship. Republicans are not going to reap the benefits of supporting such legislation unless there’s a path to citizenship and unless the bill becomes law. They need to come to the table and make sure the bill passes so they can share the credit.
Other discussion panelists were Jon Ward, senior political reporter for Huffington Post; Danny Vargas, President of VARCom Solutions; and Gil Cedillo, former member of the California State Assembly and State Senate.