Last week, we wrote about how the state of Georgia is facing a labor shortage after passing a harsh anti-immigration law that has chased many of its agricultural workers out. Nearly half of the 132 Georgia businesses polled in a private survey said they were experiencing a shortage... Continue »
Gov. Jerry Brown is under increasing pressure to suspend California's participation in the controversial federal immigration enforcement program known as Secure Communities. The program requires state and local police to share the fingerprints of anyone who is arrested with federal officials, who then check them against their own databases... Continue »
In a recent editorial in another Capitol-focused publication, my colleague Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) sought — as he has in the past — to pressure Congress to resist immigration reform. This time, he added an interesting prediction: that even without immigration reform, Latino Republican candidates will deliver the... Continue »
A bill that would require employers to electronically verify the immigration status of potential employees was introduced on Tuesday. Its sponsor said it would help Americans get jobs while one critical group said it would hurt businesses and immigrant employees. Continue »
Republican leaders have repeatedly stressed the need for their 2012 nominee to win the growing Hispanic vote, but most of the party's president contenders have no outreach focusing specifically on Hispanics. Continue »
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal offered a provocative solution Tuesday for farmers who claim workers have been scared away by a crackdown on illegal immigration: Hire people on probation to toil in the fields instead. Continue »
The Latino community is deeply concerned about aggressive official policies that impact undocumented immigrants, such as the 287(g) and Secure Communities programs. They also worry about the fact that Congress is unlikely to approve comprehensive immigration reform. Continue »
Courting the Latino vote, President Obama made a quick stop in Puerto Rico to pick up some campaign cash and lavish attention on a territory that hasn't had an official visit from a sitting U.S. president since John F. Kennedy was in the White House. Continue »
Today on Capitol Hill, House Republicans, led by Reps. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), and Steve King (R-IA), unveiled the top bill on their anti-immigration agenda: a plan to make all employers in America use the deeply flawed E-Verify program to check the immigration status of their workers.... Continue »
It's going to be a long, hot summer for anyone who cares about sensible immigration reform, now that Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is in charge of the House Judiciary Committee. After guiding a trio of extremely misguided immigration proposals into law in 1996, Rep. Smith is back in... Continue »