Federal immigration officials say they will not deport immigrants pursuing legitimate civil rights claims, a move hailed by advocates as a way to protect a vulnerable population while critics say it encourages abuses. Continue »
A veteran of both the Army and the Navy who served with distinction in Iraq and at Guantánamo Bay has spent the last month in federal lock-up here because the government wants to deport him. Not only did he lie on a passport application, prosecutors say, but he was... Continue »
Watch in coming days to see how this story plays out in the always hot immigration debate: Jose Antonio Vargas, a reporter who shared a Pulitzer Prize when he was with The Washington Post, reveals today that he is an "undocumented immigrant." Continue »
In the face of measures across the country cracking down on illegal immigrants, the number of Americans who view legal immigration positively is holding steady - and the percent who favor even more is edging upward, according to a new poll Wednesday. Continue »
Last week the Obama administration announced a series of much-needed changes to the controversial Secure Communities program, under which state and local police are required to turn over the fingerprints of everyone they arrest to federal officials, who check for past criminal records and prior deportation orders. Continue »
Arizona may have opened the door for states looking to plunge into the enforcement of federal immigration policy but political analysts throughout the country say Texas will set the bar. Texas lawmakers this week will vote on legislation that allows local law enforcement to question the immigration status of... Continue »
Senate Democrats, led by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), today reaffirmed their commitment to a common sense, comprehensive solution to illegal immigration by introducing the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2011. The legislation, introduced by Senator Menendez along with fellow Senate Democratic co-sponsors Harry Reid (D-NV), Patrick Leahy (D-VT),... Continue »
Outrageous news out of Glenwood Springs, Colorado today: a team of agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement reportedly swept through a corner of the Strawberry Days festivities on Saturday, rounding up two or possibly three suspects. Continue »
One August morning nearly two decades ago, my mother woke me and put me in a cab. She handed me a jacket. "Baka malamig doon" were among the few words she said. ("It might be cold there.") When I arrived at the Philippines' Ninoy Aquino International Airport with her,... Continue »
A UC Davis honors student who had launched a national Facebook campaign to avoid deportation to India with her mother won an 11th-hour stay Tuesday after immigration officials last week issued a memo allowing for greater discretion in Dream Act cases. Continue »