View the network of nativists who signed the 19 amici briefs supporting Arizona’s SB 1070 anti-immigrant law. Continue »
Called DREAM Act Vote in 2010 a 2012 Political Stunt; Now Supports Idea of a GOP Version of DREAM Act in Run Up to 2012 Republicans are looking for a way to shore up their historically low standing with Latino voters.  Senator Marco Rubio is reportedly developing a more... Continue »
Today, Mitt Romney heads to Arizona for multiple campaign events.  Against the backdrop of next week’s U.S. Supreme Court argument in U.S. v Arizona, the Romney campaign yesterday attempted to distance the candidate from his past support of Arizona’s “show me your papers” immigration law. The stakes are high. ... Continue »
Next week, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on Arizona’s arch-anti-immigrant law, SB 1070—an all-important, game-changing clash between the federal supremacy clause, the need for federal immigration reform, and the belief that states can and should pursue efforts to make undocumented immigrants self-deport. Activists, officials, lawyers, and... Continue »