Hope for a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year has fallen by the wayside, but the Obama administration is rallying for one last hurrah before mid-term elections in November. Late last week, the White House unofficially announced plans to sue the state of Arizona over the now notorious Senate... Continue »
Despite heavy criticism for his accusation that Obama has a "default mechanism" that favors, "the black person," House Rep. Steve King continues to defend his comments while ridiculing the media. Continue »
Despite all the criticism for passing SB1070, Governor Jan Brewer continues to defend it adamantly. Ramping up her rhetoric, Brewer has cited security issues and increasing violence as motives for the law's enactment. Recently she claimed it necessary to protect Arizona from the "murder, terror, and mayhem" carried... Continue »
This week, the United States Supreme Court struck down a 1996 law that made it possible to deport documented immigrants that were convicted of minor drug-possession. Finally, some good news. At RaceWire, Seth Freed Wessler explains that the ruling could drastically change a law which has "helped drive rising... Continue »
Over Memorial Day weekend, tens of thousands of people marched in Phoenix, AZ to protest SB1070, a law that immigrants to carry papers at all times and makes it possible for any police officer to detain on suspicion of immigration status alone. At RaceWire, Jorge Rivas reports that "an official... Continue »
The courageous Trail of Dreams students are at it again. Having completed a 1500 mile trek from Miami to Washington fighting for their cause to end the deportation of students and separation of families, the student activists traveled to Arizona to request a meeting with the controversial, anti-immigrant... Continue »
President Barack Obama announced on Tuesday that he would be deploying 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border to beef up security along the Río Bravo. This surprise move has garnered criticism from immigrant rights supporters, who argue that it will dehumanize and endanger immigrant and Latino communities. Julianne... Continue »
Memo to Congress: The gloves are coming off. Three undocumented students were arrested this week after organizing a nonviolent sit-in at Republican Sen. John McCain's congressional office in Tucson, Arizona. The sit-in was part of an effort to pressure lawmakers to support comprehensive immigration reform, and it's only the... Continue »
After passing what is arguably the harshest immigration law in the country—SB 1070 forces local police to adhere to detain someone if there is "responsible suspicion" that they are undocumented—Arizona has now passed a law banning ethnic studies courses, as Feministing reports. At The Nation, Jon Wiener writes that the... Continue »
The countdown is on. Half a million supporters of comprehensive immigration reform rallied across the country on May 1 to protest SB 1070, Arizona's prohibitive new anti-immigration law and ratchet up pressure for a federal reform bill this year. In Washington, DC, police arrested a dozen demonstrators, including Rep.... Continue »