From Mediaite comes a report that an immigration action town hall hosted by Rep. Luis Gutierrez earlier this week was interrupted by anti-immigrant activists infamous for also having protested the transfer of child refugees in Murrieta last summer. This particular event, billed “Keeping Families Together” and hosted by the... Continue »
Dozens of DREAMers from immigrant rights groups, State University of New York, and the City University of New York are now in day three of their hunger strike in support of the NY DREAM Act. Over 50 DREAMers began the strike after Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced earlier this week... Continue »
USA Today: Walker’s immigration stance under scrutiny By Catalina Camia AP: Gov. Scott Walker’s Immigration Stance at Center of Dispute Washington Post: Scott Walker softens immigration stance, dinner participants say By Robert Costa Wall Street Journal: Scott Walker Shifts Stance on Immigration at Private Dinner By Reid Epstein Vox: Scott Walker isn’t lying on... Continue »
Yesterday afternoon, over 50 New York DREAMers and their allies pledged a hunger strike after Governor Andrew Cuomo said he would be dropping the NY DREAM Act from the annual budget. Gov. Cuomo — who had campaigned on making the DREAM Act a reality, and up until last week... Continue »
AP: Christie Joins Legal Fight Against Obama Immigration Reform Huffington Post: Chris Christie Joins Legal Fight Against Obama Immigration Programs By Elise Foley MSNBC: Immigration executive action lawsuit appeal put on the fast track By Amanda Sakuma Buzzfeed News: Sen. Chuck Schumer: The Tea Party “Hates Immigrants” By Andrew Kaczynski ABC News: Lawmakers to... Continue »
When the Republican-led NY State Senate failed to pass the DREAM Act by a razor-thin margin last year, Governor Andrew Cuomo made the legislation a pivotal part of his re-election campaign and promised to include the bill in his next budget. Cuomo won, and when he again touted the... Continue »
AP: Appeals Court Sets April Hearing on Obama Immigration Action Wall Street Journal: Federal Appeals Court to Hear Arguments on Immigration Ruling By Nathan Koppel Politico: Appeals court sets arguments in Obama immigration suit By Josh Gerstein The Hill: Court to hear appeal on Obama’s immigration actions By Elliot Smilowitz Roll Call: Lynch’s Republican... Continue »
The bad news keeps coming for Sheriff Joe Arpaio. For a while, America’s Most Expensive Sheriff probably assumed he’d be able to stick the taxpayer with the hundreds of thousands of dollars he’s been ordered to pay up after admitting his department violated federal court orders by racially-profiling Latinos.... Continue »
National Journal: Ted Cruz Has Been Running for President for Years in the Senate By Lauren Fox Politico: Cruz’s strategy: Destroy the ‘mushy middle’ By James Hohmann and Alex Isenstadt New York Times: Ted Cruz, an Ambitious Conservative With Sharp Elbows By Ashley Parker and Maggie Haberman The Hill: Trump brings birther charge... Continue »
Earlier today, MSNBC’s José Díaz-Balart featured immigration attorney David Leopold and his client Gloria Villatoro, whose husband Max Villatoro was deported by ICE to Honduras last week. Pastor Max’s story caught national attention when he was arrested by ICE officials as his young U.S. citizen children slept nearby. Pastor... Continue »